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Free CD - guitar loop music

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:51 pm
by jesse_Archive
Greetings Electricals,

My name is Jesse Kates. I am a loop-based electric guitarist from Kansas City.

I am giving away five copies of my new CD, Sleight of Hand, to promote a show I'm playing in Chicago:

Saturday March 5, 9pm
w/Gaberdine, Early Risers
1354 W Wabansia

To claim your free CD,

1) Reply to this post. You won't get a CD if you don't claim it here! Once 5 CDs are claimed, the jig is up.
2) Send me e-mail via the "Contact me" form at and include your shipping address.

All I ask in return is that you spread the word about the show!



PS: if loop-based electric guitar music sounds completely disinteresting to you, save me the postage and don't claim a disc!