The Family Ghost - catch-all spam thread

Guys,The second album is well underway. We have five songs recorded and hope to have the album finished by June. Before June 20th, if you get my drift.I've set it up so that you can download all of our existing work ”one album and two EPs ”for free on our Bandcamp page, a move inspired by the incredible rock band The Book-Burners and by a major-label shill who polluted a thread on this very forum. If you're interested, please download away! We appreciate it!We also have plenty of CDs left. We're still chargin' for those, but they're cheap!
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

The Family Ghost - catch-all spam thread

Hi again!Before I start in with the tacky band spam: I had the best time at the BBQ over the weekend. I have several new favorite bands and am even more into the bands I'd seen/heard before. No fooling. The entire BBQ was an absolute joy. A definite highlight of the last couple of years of my life.I want to publicly thank Jonah for lettin' us play, Matt E. for doing the incredible live sound (and recording and video), Ike for loaning us a whole mess of drum equipment, Devin for setting us up with a place to crash for the weekend, and Bob F. for telling us where to park. This is on top of everybody else who was busting ass in the kitchen, doing cleanup, doing sound/video, playing sets, and otherwise organizing this beautiful event for this community. All of you, for god's sake.We have never had such a positive response to one of our sets, and I was moved by you guys' kind words. We make our music for ourselves (like everyone else here!), but it's edifying for people to connect with what we're doing at all, let alone to the degree that it happened on Sunday. I hope this doesn't sound too cheesy or anything. We're just used to working in a vacuum.Since I'm posting to this thread, I will also say that we're making progress on our second proper album and will likely have it finished by the end of the year. We work slowly out of necessity!HERE IS THE TACKY BAND SPAM, which I'll keep brief: We made some shirts! They're gray print on black and look like this:Sizes are S to 2XL. We're charging $10 plus shipping ($3 in the U.S.; outside the U.S. we'll have to figure out as needed). If you're interested, please feel free to PM me! And that's likely the last you'll hear from me about these shirts!
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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