It's Kicking Off, Again: Ukraine

Via a friend on FB: Last night the 'titkuski' smashed a lot of independent media stations, and the government has imposed marshall law in the center of Kiev. Political activists and journalists are being abducted from their cars and then being found in the forest the next day “ either dead or left for dead. The Russian foreign minister has been on Ukrainian TV explaining how the 'riots' are being organised by EU sleeper cells and spies.Apparently half the Berkut riot police don't speak Ukrainian or Russian “ which explains why they don't seem to have any other strategy apart from smashing everyone. No-one knows who they are or where they have come from “ they don't wear numbers on their uniforms. They have been storming hospitals in Kiev and 'dissappearing' anyone with bleeding wounds to unknown locations.Neo- fascist anti government groups are openly brandishing hand guns in Kiev.A student got stabbed in a Donetsk school yesterday for wearing an EU flag on his coat. And the Donetsk titushki put two 20 year old female journalists into hospital. They were covering a pro-government military parade organised by the Mayor of Donetsk “ who has reiterated his belief that all euro protestors deserve to die.The emerging opposition leader Klitshco has declared an ultimatum for around 6pm today “ if the government hasn't stood down by then, he will lead the attack on the president's offices and government buildings.We expect 'state of national emergency' to be declared soon.Live Feed:

It's Kicking Off, Again: Ukraine

Live updates in English on Reddit: ... icky\_post/I just wanted to update you guys as to what the ticker below is saying on espresso TV.Internet and Telephone connections are being terminated across Kyiv.They have started to close down the subway system.Police have been going to emergency rooms in hospitals and have been FORCEFULLY abducting wounded protestors.2 Minibus vans with no plates have been patrolling the Maidan and abducting protestorsJacenuyk, a prominent opposition politician said that 'Janukovych (ruling president) proposed to postpone talks until tomorrow'The good news The police in charge of transportation (HAI) have refused to block protestors from entering the Maidan

It's Kicking Off, Again: Ukraine

Yep, here we go again. So much stupidity mars both sides of this. But shit's been about to boil over for years.Although I would add that RT, various pro-Putin factions, and nostalgia-addicts are all too quick to label any anti-Russian or pro-Western sentiment in Ukraine as "neo-fascist" (if Slavic) or "terrorist" (if Muslim). This has been an ongoing tactic. While some Ukrainian demonstrators are indeed fascists (and they are worrying), this is a small minority and some of them are also reportedly just thugs playing a role, planted by Russian interests to make the other side look bad. Kinda reminds me of the Palestinians-are-terrorists and Israel-is-the-only-democracy-in-the-Middle-East bullshit employed by American Republicans (and some Democrats) to justify the occupation of Palestine. But worse. Or the major-social-reform-equals-Communism claims of our friends in the Tea Party. Misleading. As if Russian influence were somehow keeping a lid on a country that could not manage itself. That said, supposedly pro-Western factions w/in Ukraine kinda blew it w/all that Orange Revolution nonsense, although the strong yoke of Putin and Russia's resources (both natural and unnatural) didn't really help.

It's Kicking Off, Again: Ukraine

Cranius wrote:pldms wrote:Cranius wrote:morning6 o'clock news.As I said, it was on the BBC news in the morning. You can even look up what was on that day.0714Ukrainian opposition leaders have issued an ultimatum to President Viktor Yanukovych, after talks failed to resolve the political stalemate. The BBC s Duncan Crawford is in Kiev.

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