Guitar playing thread

Let's talk about guitar playing. Technique, exercises, things you found helpful, picks, strings, etc. Let's keep it about guitar playing and not amps, pedals, or even guitars themselves. I'll go first: I started practicing scales and also breaking down chords and improvising on those structures. I think it helps me break out of my patterns, but there's still a long way to go. For instance, I want to figure out how to walk across the fretboard - usually what I do is play around the nut or middle of the neck, then jump to the octave above past the 12th fret. It's funny because I think I can do it well on bass, but the two extra strings on the guitar stump me, I guess. Anyone has exercises that help with this kind of stuff?I'm also trying to figure out the right pick for me. I've settled on a pick for bass like a decade ago, and I can play with anything that's thick enough, but I can't get used to one guitar pick. Everything is either too thick or too thin. I'm thinking of trying those Jazz III picks. They're pretty thick, but small, so I might have more control with them.This is a pretty dorky thread, but let's see what you got. I also totally expect to get kerbled with a 5 post thread from 2004.

Guitar playing thread

Thanks! This is helpful!As far as fingerpicking, I do that a lot, but almost exclusively when I play acoustic guitar. It doesn't have the same sound as a pick and you can do fast alternate picking on one string.I didn't mean that we shouldn't talk about guitars in this thread! But that the discussion should be limited to how the guitar affects someone's playing.Keep this stuff coming. I hope I'm not the only dork who will ask questions here.

Guitar playing thread

excellent thread already. Salut.I am pretty undisciplined, too. That said, I once spent a couple years learning everything I wrote on keys on guitar and vice versa. That was pretty eye-opening, and has filtered its way into my playing. I haven't played any substantial amount of keys for maybe four or five years. Nowadays it's mostly electric fingerstyle, and I have almost completely eliminated using my treasure trove of guitar pedals. I find I really love the compositional creativity that kind of limitation forces, although I do miss playing noisy effected stunt guitar. Looking forward to more of this thread.
kerble is right.

Guitar playing thread

eliya wrote:This is a pretty dorky thread, but let's see what you got. I also totally expect to get kerbled with a 5 post thread from 2004.Here's a 20 post thread from 2005 called "How To Be A Better Guitar Player"(There's some good stuff in there too, not trying to be a dick)
arthur wrote:Don't cut it for work don't cut it to look normal, people who feel offended by your nearly-30-with-long-hair face should just fuck off.

Guitar playing thread

If you're in standard, this was a pretty important "Getting It" moment for me -- C major starting on the third fret/"A" string. "C": third fret/"A" string - "D": fifth fret/"A" string -"E": second fret/"D" string - "F": third fret/"D" string - "G": fifth fret/"D" string.That "Middle Finger/Pinky Finger/Index Finger/Middle Finger/Pinky Finger pattern repeats when you start an octave up on the tenth fret "C" of the "D" string and use the "D"/"G" string pair.That pattern goes out the window when you play the same "C" on the "G" string and use the "G"/"B" pair.On those strings(Major Third Apart) the left hand pattern is: Index Finger/Middle Finger on the "G" strings fifth and seventh frets and Index Finger/Middle Finger/Pinky Finger to play the fifth, sixth, and eight frets of the "B" string.How to handle that monkey wrench(as opposed to all fifths from string to string on a mandolin or a violin and fingerings that stay the same as you cross the neck) opened some doors.

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