
Total votes: 62 (57%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 47 (43%)
Total votes: 109

Band: Rush

geddy lee voice - crap
geddy lee keys - crap
geddy lee bass - over the top but not crap
alex lifeson guitar - over the top but not crap
neil peart drums - over the top but not crap
neil peart lyrics - crap
being over the top in a Canadian manner - crap

crap 4 - not crap 3

Rush = Crap

Band: Rush

Rush/Rush - Moving pictures = fucking awesome.
Signals - now = horrible fuming turds.

They were great at writing long winded overly complex math rock tunes with mindfuckingly great parts and solos. They are terrible at writting pop songs. Geddys voice is annoying and Pearts lyrics are stupid, but Permanent Waves is such a great and ambitious record.

Band: Rush

over25 years-not crap
Spirit of the radio as pop song, and many others-not crap
writning complex material-not crap
Inspiring young players to do more/better-not crap
lyrics-not crap
recording complex material in mostly one take-not crap
"just put a mic on it"

Band: Rush

Where do I start... First off, I'm pretty biased 'cause I'm Canadian, but there are WAY WORSE Canadian bands/musicians up here! Can anyone remember Triumph? Not to mention all the other embarrassments... Cory Hart, Loverboy, Brian Adams, Chilliwack, Trooper, April Wine, BTO, Haywire, Anne Murry, Celien Dion, Bare Naked Ladies etc. There are some great bands/musicians up here too though... Niel Young, Martin Tielli, Daniel Lanois, Joni Mitchel, Hot Hot Heat, North of America, Robbie Robertson, Stompin' Tom Connors etc.
Yes, Rush wore robes and sang about elves and slaying dragons. Moving Pictures was the reason that I got into music. I kinda liked the cheesy epics! (check out cygnus x-1) They were original and were definitely not predictable. Their first album blew goats, and they haven't done all that much as of lately, but I can't say that Rush is "crap."

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