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chris jury wrote:As noted, I have the older Tone Block 200, with minimal eq controls. I love it. Have used it for 2 years, loud live shows and recording- always sounds good, takes any voltage, weighs like 4 pounds. the 101 is cool, and extra tiny, but knowing how you play, you might be better served having the extra wattage on hand. The 200 is plenty for practice bass (or probably most folks show-volume). The shop I work at is a local dealer, and I am putting together a trade deal with my boss to get the Bass Block 800. The GK400rb is just a tad underpowered, and has proven unreliable. cannot recommend enough.Might be able to help get them to you- at the very least I can get them at US prices and ship, since the voltage doesn't matter.Cheers Chris. I saw the Deerhoof guy used the 101, but had a feeling it might be better to go for the 200/1. If it's good for guitar and bass then I'm definitely interested in one. Looks like new prices (before shipping) in the UK are around $550, and $500 from Europe. May well need to ask for your help in getting one, as that seems a bit much.elisha wiesner wrote:I play a fair amount of shows where I have to use borrowed gear and hate it. I figure I can just toss this thing and a speaker cable in a bag and use it instead.That's pretty much my thought process too.