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Documentary: Martin Hannett Documentary: Martin Hannett: He wasn't just the fifth member of Joy Division

Posted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:00 pm
by curry pervert_Archive
This should have been great. 4 hrs of material on the enigma that is Martin Hannett.Unfortunately whoever put it together is an idiot. Badly shot footage (I can generally live with this), audio that is, on occasion, almost indecipherable (an irony that, if Martin were still around, he would be hunting you down for) often because of recording in rooms with no damping so the echoing drowns out the speaker. Also volume jumps from clip to clip.But the worst part probably, is the editing. Cuts are made before sentences are finished. Sometimes you are left wondering if you will hear the end of the story....until it dawns on you that no, we aren't coming back to that particular anecdote. At one point there's a jump cut to someone else for a single, short sentence then back - and it wasn't even relevant.The mind boggles how some people get to be in positions to be able to make this stuff, without any checks or balances from an exterior source. No sounding boards whatsoever. I am honestly not exaggerating when I say an 8 yr old with one of those 80's home video editing boards could have done better.I'm gonna have to say crap for this one. Waffles if you're a fan, or extremely interested in him as you may still find it worth watching. I doubt many other people would have the patience.