Favorite Guitar Amps

so after doing some extensive digging in music stores over the last few weeks i think i might have come across my favorite guitar amp yet! A late 60 Fender Super Reverb 4x10 combo. Christ i almost shat my pants when i plugged into that beautiful machine. I've owned quite a few Fenders, Twins, Devilles and Deluxes but fuck this Super Reverb is beautiful... I must have it. Has anyone here ever tried the current Reissues of the Super Reverb... are they any good??What amps have blown your minds???

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Favorite Guitar Amps

i have an old tube Premiere that i got at a flea market for $20.

it crackles, it's a little noisey- but god damn- if the reverb, tone, and tremolo aren't the greatest sounds. it is an instant Ennio Morricone trip!
everytime i plug a different pedal or guitar into it- it gives me something totally new. and just about every track i do with it sits perfectly in the track no matter how dense the instrumentation. the option of 2 inputs- one labeled 'guitar' and the other labeled 'mic or accordian' is an interesting feature as well- mostly aesthetically. really i think the only difference is the gain- but it's nice to know when i'm finally ready to have an electric polka party- i've got the tools to make your pants dance.

in short, this amp has been blowing my mind for 4 years now- and still continues to.

best $20 i ever spent!
"NILBOG is GOBLIN spelled backwards!!!!"
-Joshua. (Troll 2.)

Favorite Guitar Amps

I have a Selmer Treble 'n' Bass 50w valve-head from the very early 70s. It was two inputs per channel (for use with pickups of different outputs). One channel is for bass and one for guitar.

The bass channel is perfect for guitar.

The guitar channel is perfect for bat-only gigs.

Each channel has a 'Treble' and 'Bass' control; mids be DAMNED!

It also has a shared prescence control.

I love this amp. Dearly.

Well, I say love but some might suggest that using it in tandom with a Weber Mass attenuator is not strictly a sign of love.

To those people I say that love makes itself evident in myriad ways.

Favorite Guitar Amps

I love my H/H amp. It's a big solid state beast from the 80's. I used to use a Hiwatt, but I've switched. I want to get a H/H VS series amp, but I don't have the space anymore.

The thing I like A LOT about the H/H is that it has semi-parametric midrange controls. This allow very fine tweaking. I like.

If you ever see one of these in head only form

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... eName=WDVW

please let me know.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

Favorite Guitar Amps

johnnyshape wrote:
Champion Rabbit wrote:
Well, I say love but some might suggest that using it in tandom with a Weber Mass attenuator is not strictly a sign of love.

To those people I say that love makes itself evident in myriad ways.

Is that the love that dare not speak its name?


She is a lady!

Well, perhaps not a lady but almost certainly female.

Almost certainly.

Favorite Guitar Amps

Nico Adie wrote:I love my H/H amp. It's a big solid state beast from the 80's. I used to use a Hiwatt, but I've switched. I want to get a H/H VS series amp, but I don't have the space anymore.

The thing I like A LOT about the H/H is that it has semi-parametric midrange controls. This allow very fine tweaking. I like.

If you ever see one of these in head only form

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... eName=WDVW

please let me know.

HOLY SHIT! That's my first guitar amp! My one is still sitting in my parent's attic! Ahhh, the memories - my Dad got it for 50 pounds or so from some work friend, and God, I loved that amp....maybe it's time for me to ship it stateside...the pots were dirty as hell when I left it, but that's easily fixed and I'm getting nostalgic now....

Favorite Guitar Amps

when i was like 13 or so, this guy had an orange or120 or whatever. the same one like what EA has. but i thought it would have cool distortion and make me sound awesome, but much to my dismay, it was LOUD and CLEAN. made me sound like a country star. but i kept it around, and used it for various tracking sessions, but then i found its calling. BASSSSSSS. it is the best bass amp i ever used. i dont use it live, i use a mesa 400+ but in the tracking room.... man. that head and a 4x12 cab. heavenly.

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