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PRF only discount for my new shirt label

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 7:00 pm
by Verge of Light_Archive
Hey Folks,I'm sorry if this seems spam-esque but it's actually a special deal just for you special PRF members who are special.This place has given me so much in the form of information / answered questions, entertainment and of course that sweet ass Lake of Fake Vol. 1 that I have a song on... so I felt like giving back a little.I recently started a clothing company (just a shirt label so far). The idea is shirts for, as I say, refined weirdos. Comfortable, well made tees, that are eco-friendly, based off my own hand drawn illustrations and made locally here in Portland, OR. I run the company by myself and intend to keep it that way if possible.You can check out my first design here: - if this one sells I have several more ready to go.If you're interested PM me and I will send you a discount code for 30% off any order (one time use).Thanks. -Jonathan