by weezy_Archive
While not really a great idea in general, this is for those that do it/have done it...we can post info here about what works/what sucks when recording on a phone, tablet, whatever. I actually recorded a full song on an iPad2 earlier this year when I was without a computer, what a load of horseshit. I digress.I used my old Android smartphone in the past as both a field recorder and to record music ideas or band rehearsals. When it was new-ish, it was one of the nicer phones and it could record in stereo, and whatever mics/hardware were in that thing didn't sound bad at all. Stereo was in fact stereo. Some of the field recordings I made went into actual projects.My cell phone service 'upgraded' their towers or some shit, so this older phone started not working reliably as a phone anymore, so I was forced to upgrade. The new phone I replaced it with is pretty good as a phone, but I wasn't buying it based on it's ability to record audio. Apparently it has trouble recording in stereo, or it just doesn't support it at all. Stereo recording sounds like bad/low-res mp3 encoding - weird warbly drop outs, sounds like a cassette where the tape was chewed up. Mono sounds normal, albeit mono. I usually use either of these 2 Android apps, Titanium Recorder (free) or Field Recorder (not free). Field Recorder has the most 'pro' features, y'know, like a field recorder. I'm usually recording at 44.1, 16 or 24 bit. I've tried some different encoding, i.e. ACC/mp4 but it makes no difference. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hr.titaniumrecorder.android.freehttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.pfitzinger.rec&hl=enI'm trying to get more info out of the phone maker's tech support, but seemingly I am stuck with mono recording, which when you look at the big picture, is kinda saying realistically, what do you expect? This new phone has no 3.5mm jack, and uses a USB-C adapter for headphones, which has to have an on-board DAC on the little dongle to work, like the Google phone uses. I tried plugging in a lav mic into the adapter, and Field Recorder recognized the USB input, but the mic wasn't one of those kind that is build into earbuds so I couldn't test it fully.I'm wondering if these little USB-C interfaces would work or not. https://smile.amazon.com/Adapter-CableCreation-External-Headphone-Microphone/dp/B075YFDJ4Q/ref=sr\_1\_19?ie=UTF8&qid=1540316211&sr=8-19&keywords=usb-c+microphone