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Spotify and Amazon ‘sue songwriters’
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:00 pm
by curry pervert_Archive
Spotify and Amazon ˜sue songwriters with appeal against 44% royalty rise in the United StatesThe CRB s final determination gave songwriters only their second meaningful rate increase in 110 years. Instead of accepting the CRB s decision which still values songs less than their fair market value, Spotify and Amazon have declared war on the songwriting community by appealing that decision.......No amount of insincere and hollow public relations gestures such as throwing parties or buying billboards of congratulations or naming songwriters ˜geniuses can hide the fact that these big tech bullies do not respect or value the songwriters who make their businesses possible.
Spotify and Amazon ‘sue songwriters’
Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 6:00 pm
by El Protoolio_Archive
They can pretty much chew all the dicks. Fucking thieves.
Spotify and Amazon ‘sue songwriters’
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:00 pm
by rephophagist_Archive
Two entrenched music industry entities are trading jerkoff double-talk press releases?You're kidding.
Spotify and Amazon ‘sue songwriters’
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:00 pm
by geiginni_Archive
Seems like as good a reason as any to only listen to dead people performing pieces in the public domain.
Spotify and Amazon ‘sue songwriters’
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2019 7:00 pm
by soundsofcallado_Archive
This is a topic that has been very intriguing to me. We all know that the music business is flawed and has not and may not ever look out for the artist. Here are two things I read this afternoon that may clear up/convolute the issue: ... e%27s-what ... ngwriters/I don't think either of these is really all that forthcoming but it sheds some light. And as for the aggregator companies: they're pretty damn lame too. All of my bands have used CDBaby to distribute but they limit what you can and can't do from time to time. including: not accepting cover art that appears blurry or lo-fi, restricting title name, capitalization, length (the partners cannot accept those things), and the aforementioned taking your money.
Spotify and Amazon ‘sue songwriters’
Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by prowler_Archive
this lefty singer-songwriter David Rovics is trying to build a movement demanding a minimum rate of 1 cent / play streamed. ... lobal.htmlhis music sounds p silly to me but surely some people here get where he's coming from