Podcast: Crash and Ride Crash and Ride Podcast

Nice talk!Ringo, you have a perfect, pleasant radio voice.I would love to hear David Pajo speak if he were interested. I once bugged Paul Gilmartin about trying to get him on the Mental Illness Happy Hour. I also suggested trying to talk to Benga, a dubstep producer who developed serious mental health issues and outed himself, went public.https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/oct/02/dubstep-dj-producer-benga-mental-illnessWould be interesting to talk to such folks too, maybe cross over some.

Podcast: Crash and Ride Crash and Ride Podcast

jimmy spako wrote:Nice talk!Ringo, you have a perfect, pleasant radio voice.I would love to hear David Pajo speak if he were interested. I once bugged Paul Gilmartin about trying to get him on the Mental Illness Happy Hour. I also suggested trying to talk to Benga, a dubstep producer who developed serious mental health issues and outed himself, went public.https://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/oct/02/dubstep-dj-producer-benga-mental-illnessWould be interesting to talk to such folks too, maybe cross over some.Pajo on the Happy Hour would be life altering.
Great Deceiver

Podcast: Crash and Ride Crash and Ride Podcast

Oh, hai guys.I didn't want to spam the board with my new thing! I didn't even know this thread was up until I looked at my "incoming links" just now! Thanks for the kind words! Did you know that today I published an interview with FM Kerble?https://www.patreon.com/posts/crash-and-ride-4-25759801offal wrote:Patrick does a great job of not talking all over the guest, which is great.Anyone who knows me in meatspace knows that this is something I have to concentrate on NOT DOING. I'm glad it's working!I'd LOVE to talk to Dave Pajo. Holy cow, that would be amazing. I'm having pretty good luck with sound quality on these skype interviews. I'll reach out!Jimmy Spako, I will also reach out to Benga! So far I've had great luck in my circle of musicians and friends of friends. Benga would be the first person I've ever approached who I'd never met. I'll let you guys know how it goes.Thanks for your support! Don't be shy about constructive criticism. The better this thing is, the better my chances are of reaching someone who is in crisis. I tell all the guests: Be honest. Be complete. Don't protect people who abused or neglected you, because telling the truth could save someone's life.Loud guitars save lives!
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

Podcast: Crash and Ride Crash and Ride Podcast

The latest episode is up, episode 5 is where I interview one of my oldest friends, and we get into some heavy stuff that I didn't even know he went through. https://www.patreon.com/posts/crash-and-ride-5-25919827Episode 6 is an interview with Noelle Shuck from the punk band SheHeHe. She's great. Very funny. After Episode 5, it was a nice break from the dark stuff. It will be available on Sunday morning at 12:01AM. Hangover listening! I am going to talk to Thor Harris in the next few weeks, and today Erika from Motherfucker said she might want to sit for an interview. I'm stoked. Thanks for listening!
Redline wrote:Not Crap. The sound of death? The sound of FUN! ScrrreeEEEEEEE

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