Ideal tour length?
2Much of this is dependent on your location, best contacts, and goals.My touring days are years behind me, but we often found a sweet spot in a 10-11 day tour to soak up two rounds of weekend dates. It just makes sense to get more than one Friday and Saturday while you're out and keeps people from taking an entire second week of work off as well.This is not the strategy for planting the most flags, going for broke and throwing yourself at it full bore. It is a great strategy if everyone wants to get out, experience things together as a band, maybe sell some records in some new towns, keep stress/exhaustion fairly low and maybe make some friends you can drive out and visit/play with later in the year. That said, this tour length is best if you're focused on one U.S. region and can string together dates that require maximum 8 hour drives. I've met plenty of admirable psychos who bragged about pulling multiple all-night 18 hour drives and covering crazy ground in a short time. I'd rather not burn through the limited gas money.
Colonel Panic wrote:Anybody who gazes directly into a laser is an idiot.