Democratic Debate #1 Who can win?

I know all too much about all of them... (even G.D. Delaney!)I think Warren will be the runaway favorite, and Booker will try desperately for a viral moment. Inslee will talk about climate change, De Blasio will be completely ineffective. People will forget who Tim Ryan is WHILE he is talking.Gabbard will get asked at least one question about Assad. Klobuchar will peddle some middling warmed over pseudo centrist garbage flown in from 2004, but may get off a decent zinger.Castro will keep it positive and O'Rourke will do his O'Rourke thing and remind the people that like him why they like him.If O'Rourke and Warren are next to each other, hopefully they won't collide with their hand movements.
Yes it's true, I am made from atoms.

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