Does exactly what it says on the tin. Represent the work of a given artist over no more than six tracks (link to them if possible). See if you can turn anyone onto something.
I love Xinlisupreme. Awesome noiserockish beast that first appeared on FatCat at the turn of the millennium, and have since gone to ground over long periods, before popping up as some kind of one man show.
1. Kyoro
2. All You Need Is Love Was Not True
3. Amaryllis
4. Fatal Sisters Opened Umbrella
5. Murder License
6. I Am Not Shinzo Abe
Re: Sell us on an artist in six tracks.
2Maybe the other side of the coin musically from the previous post, but here goes.
Mr. Terry Reid:
Speak Now Or Forever Hold your Peace (1969)
Live Life (1973)
Dean (1971)
Superlungs My Supergirl (1969)
Without Expression (1973)
Seed Of Memory (1976)
Mr. Terry Reid:
Speak Now Or Forever Hold your Peace (1969)
Live Life (1973)
Dean (1971)
Superlungs My Supergirl (1969)
Without Expression (1973)
Seed Of Memory (1976)
Re: Sell us on an artist in six tracks.
3Great idea!
The Vulgar Boatmen
You Don't Love Me Yet (Please Panic, 1992)
Heartbeat (Opposite Sex, 1995)
Drive Somewhere (You And Your Sister, 1989)
Don't Mention It (Please Panic, 1992)
Mary Jane (You And Your Sister,1989)
Cry Real Tears (Live) (Wide Awake, 2004)
The Vulgar Boatmen
You Don't Love Me Yet (Please Panic, 1992)
Heartbeat (Opposite Sex, 1995)
Drive Somewhere (You And Your Sister, 1989)
Don't Mention It (Please Panic, 1992)
Mary Jane (You And Your Sister,1989)
Cry Real Tears (Live) (Wide Awake, 2004)