Please recommend me some nice affordable monitors so I can listen freely and not be tethered by headphones all the time!
The room itself is about 10ftx12ft with carpet and the one side basically all glass. No need to get extremely loud but some of my bass frequencies can get a little thicc during my wall-of-noise jams. Not really interested in reconfiguring or treating the room too much or trying to make a studio out of it. It’s just for easy listening while I look out upon the gardens of my estate.
I don’t think I need to go too high end so my idea was to stay within the Yamaha/JBL/Pioneer level, but again I’m not sure if there’s a wild difference in quality/design or if things are all pretty much standardized, or if there is a cheaper brand that’s actually comparable. I’m also not sure about the size. 8” is what I was thinking in terms of frequency response but not sure if that’s too much for the space. Also they seem to cost a lot more. Would 5” carry enough bass? Do I need a subwoofer? Should I change strategies and just get a nice keyboard amp instead? Would it be dumb to put them at the corners of the long desk(s) up in that window?