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Odd copy: journalistic flourishes that sound off

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:52 am
by sparky
In an article on Afghanistan, a description stopped me:
Jason Burke, for The Guardian wrote:Perhaps the ugliest character in the Star Wars bar for extremists that Afghanistan has become is Islamic State’s “Khorasan Province”
The phrase is silly, I am surprised it made it through editing, but I am happy it exists.

Re: Odd copy: journalistic flourishes that sound off

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 5:57 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
I find it hard to believe The Guardian's online content ever sees an editor. They lose enough money as it is.

Good thread - shall keep my eyes peeled.

Re: Odd copy: journalistic flourishes that sound off

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:59 am
by sparky
That’s a plausible sorrow. I imagine a lack of proofreading would take some of the spice out of one of the classic journo games.
Popbitch wrote: A common source of in-joking in tabloid journalism is byline hijacking: where unsuspecting hacks will find their names attached to stories they had no hand in writing on very specific, tell-tale topics.

For example, the office pervert might regularly find themselves getting credited on stories about dogging, pornography or saddle-sniffing. The office caner will, from time to time, be listed next to stories about booze, drugs or record-breaking snow-storms.

Re: Odd copy: journalistic flourishes that sound off

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:54 pm
by motorbike guy
sparky wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 10:59 am That’s a plausible sorrow. I imagine a lack of proofreading would take some of the spice out of one of the classic journo games.
Popbitch wrote: A common source of in-joking in tabloid journalism is byline hijacking: where unsuspecting hacks will find their names attached to stories they had no hand in writing on very specific, tell-tale topics.

For example, the office pervert might regularly find themselves getting credited on stories about dogging, pornography or saddle-sniffing. The office caner will, from time to time, be listed next to stories about booze, drugs or record-breaking snow-storms.
that shit is just funny.

Re: Odd copy: journalistic flourishes that sound off

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 7:55 pm
by VaticanShotglass
sparky wrote: Wed Aug 18, 2021 4:52 am In an article on Afghanistan, a description stopped me:
Jason Burke, for The Guardian wrote:Perhaps the ugliest character in the Star Wars bar for extremists that Afghanistan has become is Islamic State’s “Khorasan Province”
The phrase is silly, I am surprised it made it through editing, but I am happy it exists.
Great example, horrible copy.