Cameron Poe vs Castor Troy

Total votes: 18 (82%)
Con Air
Total votes: 4 (18%)
Total votes: 22

Re: Nicholas Cage's 1997: Face/Off vs Con Air

sparky wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 1:38 pm
iembalm wrote: I'm going to vote Face/Off, if for nothing else than my memories of Alessandro Nivola's performance in it. And Nick Cassavetes, who has the best line.
Ditto, and partly for the same reasons. “No more drugs for this man”?
Alessandro Nivola wrote:I'd been watching that Terry Zwigoff documentary about R. Crumb, the artist. And I had also shown it to Nic, who just...his eyes lit up when he saw it. ... He was just like into it. We started getting together, doing like improvisations in his trailer, based on the Crumb brothers, and just like cracking ourselves up. Just making up the most absurd shit, talking about 'sex sandwiches', and just free-associating. His assistant would write it all down, and then we would send it to John Woo. And John Woo just loved it. Like, I couldn't believe the stuff we were coming up with was just so random. He was looking at our pages, and he was like 'Sex sandwich. Very funny.

Re: Nicholas Cage's 1997: Face/Off vs Con Air

Face/off out of the two.

I’ll say this about Nicholas Cage - for as many godawful ‘I did this for the money’ projects that he has done, the dude never phones it in. Thespian talent notwithstanding, he just goes balls deep into whatever weird roles they hand him.

My favorite of his, a little lesser known from the 80s is Vampires Kiss. You have to sit through some 80s cheese to get to the goodies, but he is in top form in that.

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