tmidgett wrote:hard one!
i say 'not crap' b/c i have laughed several times at ween songs that were constructed with the intention of being funny
...and rocked tears of joy out of me on several occasions.
hey tim, you should check out the album White Pepper if you are at all interested in hearing the more serious side of this band. Its worth a listen.
Ween is not crap because:
1. Every album is built around a conceptual core, without any of the songs alluding to the concept.
2. They write the most obscure lyrics possible.
3. The cusp of their "popular" music career, was the release of what was, undoubtedly, the worst song they could possibly release to further that career.
4. The Mollusk _Buckingham Green, The Mollusk, Johnny on the Spot
5. Chocolate and Cheese:_Voodo Lady, Baby Bitch, Buenos Tardes, Pony
6. Twelve Country Greats: Japanese Cowboy, Waving my Dick in the Wind, Mr. Richard Smoker, the fact that there are only 10 songs on the album
7. White Pepper: the whole album
8. Their show at the Vic a couple weeks ago. Unbelievably good.
Ween rocks. Not Crap