by twelvepoint
I'm a drummer, primarily, and I don't know that I've ever thought of my playing as a lead instrument, but nor have I considered myself a follower. I consider myself an ingredient in the musical soup and try and fit inside what everyone else is doing. I wouldn't want to be in a situation where drums were considered a foundational instrument that would be tracked independently and everyone else plays along to. Not that I think it's wrong to do that.
Before I played trap drums, I played classical percussion in band and orchestra, and once I started playing kit I was in in the school jazz band before doing rock. So that pre-rock experience was all very "listen to what other people are doing" and I think created an approach that complements other players and not be a part onto with other things are layered. I don't think "listen to the other members" is itself a binary thing and wouldn't imply that's exclusive to a "leaderless" approach to playing.
I also don't feel like songs need to have hard-and-fast right/wrong ways to play them, and if, in the moment, band members want to make tempo changes or vary feel, note choices etc, that's totally valid, and if it doesn't always land, that's ok.