Unpleasant Fan-to-Artist Interactions

Do you have an unpleasant tale about running into your favorite band, musician, or artist? In a related thread on the previous forum someone mentioned Henry Rollins, a restaurant, and his Neubauten tattoo; and though I can't recall the details I'm over here cracking tf up.
In the Indie Rock Confessions thread rsmurphy wrote:Carla Bozulich finds me annoying.

I went to go see her perform one night as I dig the vibe and music of Ethyl Meatplow. At this point Ethyl Meatplow had been inactive for at least 20 years, and she had found success with Geraldine Fibbers and Evangelista, but I didn't care. Had to be a fanboy and fanboy-out by declaring my love for her pervy dance band. I got fairly inebriated and accosted her for what seemed like forever, babbling about the sleazy atmospheres in "Car" and "Tommy" and she just wasn't having it.


Yes, of course. I leave drunk and embarrassed.
Your turn.
Last edited by rsmurphy on Tue Aug 09, 2022 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Justice for Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

Re: Never Meet Yr Idols

I rarely approach people and it's been ok the few times I have, so I'll share one of a friend without much internet presence..

He's a massive John McEntire fan: Tortoise, The Sea and Cake, Gastr, Stereolab.. all of it. I think he even played in a band with a vibraphone player at one point. Anyway, he one day worked up the (possibly liquid) courage to tell JM that his music was important to him, the reason he owns a vintage Slingerland drumkit, etc.

JM does a shrug/meh gesture and goes back to reading his phone.

I did speak briefly to JM on the phone once. Charismatic is not a word I'd use to describe the experience.

Re: Never Meet Yr Idols

Circa 2005, I go to see Megadeth at the club where my girlfriend worked. Because of her, I had special privileges and got to go backstage after the show. I pretty much never approach anyone, ever, famous or not, but I somehow worked up the courage to approach Mr. Mustaine to ask for an autograph.

ME: "Hey Dave, can I ask you a favor?"
DAVE: *dubious eyebrow*......"Maybe."

Which seemed right in character. He signed, I thanked him, that was that.

Circa 1995, John Vanderslice's old band MK Ultra stayed at my place on tour. Someone in that band was friends of a friend of my roommate. Or something. Anyway I go out into the kitchen and attempt to engage Mr. Vanderslice in conversation, I ask some simple question about San Francisco, what's the scene like there or whatever, and he replies "Sorry, I need to save my voice for the show." Clearly I wasn't cool enough for him to talk to, so I just said "Right! Of course! My bad!" and backed away slowly.
work: http://oldcolonymastering.com
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Re: Never Meet Yr Idols

My friend Billy grew up in Boston and is a huge Modern Lovers fan. Flash back to the 90s and Billy was almost finished with college and saw Jonathan Richmond play. Right after the show he saw him in a restaurant surrounded by young women and decided to approach and tell him he was from Boston, a big fan, and had just seen the show. Jonathan immediately brushes him off and said something to the extent of "Beat it. You're ruining my image here, I only talk to female fans."

While not exactly an idol of mine, although I did like a couple of Urge Overkill records at the time, I was standing in the crowd at the Empty Bottle probably around 1996-97 or so waiting for a band to start. Beside me was Eddie "King" Roeser, so I decided to start up a conversation because I was bored. Conversation went well, super cordial. For some reason I mentioned reading some article in the Reader that day that Steve had a quote in about UO. I happened to mention that to him, to which he replied, "Aw, man. He's stilllllll mad at us?" I think it really bummed him out and I felt instant foot in mouth regret.
self: https://tommiles.bandcamp.com/
old: https://shiiin.bandcamp.com/

Re: Never Meet Yr Idols

I'm happy to say that I don't have any negative stories to add here. I have had a chance to meet members of bands such as Poster Children, Pavement, Archers of Loaf, Grifters... plus FM Steve... (folks I consider my idols) and they were all awesome.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Never Meet Yr Idols

tommy wrote: Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:27 pm My friend Billy grew up in Boston and is a huge Modern Lovers fan. Flash back to the 90s and Billy was almost finished with college and saw Jonathan Richmond play. Right after the show he saw him in a restaurant surrounded by young women and decided to approach and tell him he was from Boston, a big fan, and had just seen the show. Jonathan immediately brushes him off and said something to the extent of "Beat it. You're ruining my image here, I only talk to female fans."
I'm shocked, SHOCKED I tell you. :roll:

I was running sound at my friend's dive bar when Meatloaf's stepdaughter Pearl Aday played with her band Pearl. The band consists of the 3rd incarnation of The Rollins Band, plus her husband Scott Ian of ANthrax. I went to the club in the early afternoon to check in before going home to shower after a day of roofing, and Scott Ian was there already. I introduced myself and reached out for a handshake. He looked down at my hand with disgust, paused, and then slowly extended his fist for the weakest fistbump I have ever experienced, and I've received daps from an infant. I don't think he even said a word to me. Also his tour manager/traveling sound guy was a massive piece of shit.
Escape Rope / Black Mesa / Inflatable Sex Babies

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