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C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 10:51 am
by kicker_of_elves
I think the closest that this topic has come up in C/NC was a poll about Weird Al, hopefully this isn't a duplicate. What's your take on parody bands/acts in general? Weird Al? Mac Sabbath? Metallagher? et al?

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:12 am
by Wood Goblin
Best for one-offs or maybe short tours. Maybe even great, in those circumstances.

But it’s depressing when it goes on longer than that. I mean, is Dread Zeppelin still touring?

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:15 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
As a whole, Crap.

Mac Sabbath, Not Crap.

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:25 am
by penningtron
Who wouldn't wanna go see Okilly Dokilly year after year..

Oh shit..
Arizona's Ned Flanders-themed metalcore band Okilly Dokilly have announced their doodly-dang disbandment, with their upcoming US tour —Tourdilly Do '22 — being their last as they head for an indefinite hiatus.

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:31 am
by Krev
The joke wears thin pretty quickly.

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 11:47 am
by kicker_of_elves
I was a pretty avid Dr. Demento Show listener as a kid, so it probably stands to reason that I enjoy a good parody song/act more than somebody lucky enough to have not been exposed to said ridiculousness at an early age. And jokes do wear thin. But in a world that tends to take itself too seriously more often than not, well what the heck.

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:04 pm
by Charlie D
I had a mad Flight of the Conchords phase about fifteen years ago. Not sure they count as parody but

Anyway, they worked better as an HBO series or a stage act. I still have one or two of their records and I couldn't imagine putting them on. But a live special or an episode from season one? Yeah, I'll plop on the couch for that.

N/C, WF:5

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:12 pm
by DaveA
Got a pretty big kick out of hearing Señor Coconut's take on classic Kraftwerk tracks for the first time.

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:31 pm
by zorg
Weird Al kind of has the market cornered from a professional standpoint. I had assumed the genre as a whole had otherwise moved to 10 year olds on Youtube doing parodies of popular songs with lyrics about Fortnight substituted or something ghastly like that. I can't imagine spending any money or time on going to see someone do their best Allan Sherman.

Re: C/NC: Parody bands

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:51 pm
by Jimbo
Generally, crap, the joke wears thin pretty quickly.

But I will have words with anyone who speaks ill of Weird Al.