Looking for a tube amp tech in Las Vegas

A friend fell into money a few years ago and bought a couple of hand built tube amps, delivered new with the tubes not installed. They sat around his place for a couple of years and he never put them together, now he's itching to play them but has moved four times and the tube compliment is mixed up, he's not a technical person and doesn't feel competent to put them together. It should be a trivial job for an amp tech, who can install and bias the tube set and ensure nothing has gotten damaged or jiggled out of place in all the moving around. Does anybody have a recommendation in Las Vegas? This is definitely not worth the shipping charges for an out of town shop.

Re: Looking for a tube amp tech in Las Vegas

I don't think there's too much PRF presence there in Vegas unfortunately either touring or traveling.

FM Anthony Villalobos [sic] is the only person I'm aware of w/ Vegas life-history...and I think maybe Ben Adrian too but I can't summon him w/ a hash tag like it was FB, but maybe could PM him if the above doesn't pan out.

Sorry, wish I could help.

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