Dr Tony Balls wrote: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:11 am
Crowning it isnt gonna do much. Crowning is just restoring the round shape to fret after it has been leveled. What you would need to do here is a form of leveling, i.e. taking some height off the fret. You'd need to take enough material off the top so that the divot is no longer there, and THEN re-crown. The problem with doing this is that you run the risk of reducing the height too much and then the zero fret (or areas on it) may be too low to play well with the rest of the frets. If I were to approach it, i'd measure the height of my first fret, add what I want my action at the first fret to be, and see how much room I have to work with in terms of height reduction on the zero fret. Then you can start leveling the zero fret accordingly but being very careful that you dont go beyond your goal height.
It's a bit tricky, but not CRAZY. If you have the tools i'd say go for it, and if you fuck it up you can always get it replaced by a pro.
+1 to all of that. Measuring fret heights accurately can be a bit tricky because of the geometry. Best bet is get a straight edge and feeler-gauges/shims.
Also if the depth divot on that fret, or the lowest divot on any of your frets, looks like it would leave the fret too small for your liking, then you may want to skip trying
to save the frets and go straight to a re-fret. that said, your picture looks fine.
So, tools you would need to do this yourself.
- Accurate straight edge that can span at least two frets, and another one that can go from First fret to 15th
- Feeler gauges
- Sharpie or similar for marking top of frets to make sure you hit them all while filing so you're filing flat.
- Flat file (there's ones specifically for fret work, they are definitely easier on the hands)
- crowning file (you can also use a triangular file, but a crowning file is a lot nicer/friendlier to newbies)
- tape for the fretboard (the blue tape is nice), and to cover the magnets on your pickups from steel wool if you use it
- Sandpaper grits 400,500,800,1000
- 0000 Steel wool (1000 grit + steel wool is if you want the frets to look nice)