PRF Drum Threads: A Collection
Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2023 8:48 pm
In 2011, I compiled a bunch of drum-related threads into a list. As far as I can tell, that post doesn't exist anymore; it didn't make the cut to the new forum.
I'm pretty sure this was the first version and I updated it a handful of times, so we'll start here.
The PRF has an extensive collection of information and ideas about drums, drumming, and drummers. Hopefully there will be more great threads on the topic, but here's a bunch of threads that cover all areas of the topic:
Drum kits/gear:
Let's see your drums! (archived)
Drum building (archived)
Vistalite restoration project/Post your Vista-porn pics (archived)
Drum hardware recommendations? (archived)
Recommend a drum throne to me. (archived)
Good sounding drums on a budget (archived)
Drum heads/skins. (archived)
Cheapish studio Drum Kit (archived)
Buying a Drum Kit (archived)
If you have to pick one (and ONLY one) snare, get this one (archived)
Snare Drums (archived)
snare length (archived)
Drum Choice (archived)
Large Drums...good or bad? (archived)
hi-hat stand (archived)
drumsticks? (archived)
Best sounding drum set (archived)
big friggin kick drum (archived)
Looking for a Good Drum Kit (archived)
Snare Drum Suggestions (archived)
What's Up With Ludwig? (archived)
kick drum head question (archived)
Breaking in drum heads and some other drum related questions (archived)
Subjectivity in drum tuning (archived)
Drum heads/skins. (archived)
How to tune my drums to sound like this? (archived)
Snare Drum Tuning (archived)
Hole or no hole, kick drum micing (archived)
Tuning toms (archived)
What causes that 'basketball' sound inside a kick drum ? (archived)
Bass drum muffling secret (archived)
Drumheads-- what do you use/what do you play (archived)
Another drumming post.. (archived)
Guitar question and drum questions. (archived)
Skins and Tuning (archived)
70s drum sound (archived)
Recording Here in Aug. Need a Good Crash to Ride (archived)
Recording Vistalites (archived)
Beyer M380 (archived)
Phase Reverse on Kick Drum (batter or resonant head?) (archived)
D-112 -> Bass drum, i could use a little help. (archived)
Battle of the popular dynamic kick drum mic choices (archived)
Hole or no hole, kick drum micing (archived)
Favorite Microphone (archived)
Drum Microphones (archived)
drum sound question (archived)
Miking a junior drum kit in a small room (archived)
Best drummer you've seen.... (archived)
WHO is the greatest drummer ever? (archived)
Todd Trainer (archived)
Todd Trainer's drum kit (archived)
Bob Weston As Frankenstein. (Todd as a vampire) (archived)
Jesus Lizard technical info (archived)
Drummer: Rey Washam (archived)
Drummer: Keith Moon (archived)
drummer: Ringo Starr (archived)
Drummer: John Stanier (archived)
best drum fill ever (archived)
Good Drumming on Albums (archived)
Best drum beats (warning: a prog-free thread) (archived)
poll: the Great 'Punk Rock' Drummers (archived)
drums, drumming, drummers (archived)
drums, drumming, drummers: v2.0 (archived)
drum information resource (archived)
drummers: what should i be doing beyond rudiments? (archived)
Learning to play drums (archived)
drummers! (archived)
Electrical Drums ?s (archived)
Drumset Seating/Positioning and playing powerfully.. (archived)
Drummers: Heel up or down? (archived)
Traditional grip vs overhand grip. (archived)
great drum records (archived)
cleaning cymbals (archived)
quiet cymbals (archived)
hi hat cymbals for recording (archived)
Cymbals (archived)
bosphorus cymbals (archived)
I'm pretty sure this was the first version and I updated it a handful of times, so we'll start here.
The PRF has an extensive collection of information and ideas about drums, drumming, and drummers. Hopefully there will be more great threads on the topic, but here's a bunch of threads that cover all areas of the topic:
Drum kits/gear:
Let's see your drums! (archived)
Drum building (archived)
Vistalite restoration project/Post your Vista-porn pics (archived)
Drum hardware recommendations? (archived)
Recommend a drum throne to me. (archived)
Good sounding drums on a budget (archived)
Drum heads/skins. (archived)
Cheapish studio Drum Kit (archived)
Buying a Drum Kit (archived)
If you have to pick one (and ONLY one) snare, get this one (archived)
Snare Drums (archived)
snare length (archived)
Drum Choice (archived)
Large Drums...good or bad? (archived)
hi-hat stand (archived)
drumsticks? (archived)
Best sounding drum set (archived)
big friggin kick drum (archived)
Looking for a Good Drum Kit (archived)
Snare Drum Suggestions (archived)
What's Up With Ludwig? (archived)
kick drum head question (archived)
Breaking in drum heads and some other drum related questions (archived)
Subjectivity in drum tuning (archived)
Drum heads/skins. (archived)
How to tune my drums to sound like this? (archived)
Snare Drum Tuning (archived)
Hole or no hole, kick drum micing (archived)
Tuning toms (archived)
What causes that 'basketball' sound inside a kick drum ? (archived)
Bass drum muffling secret (archived)
Drumheads-- what do you use/what do you play (archived)
Another drumming post.. (archived)
Guitar question and drum questions. (archived)
Skins and Tuning (archived)
70s drum sound (archived)
Recording Here in Aug. Need a Good Crash to Ride (archived)
Recording Vistalites (archived)
Beyer M380 (archived)
Phase Reverse on Kick Drum (batter or resonant head?) (archived)
D-112 -> Bass drum, i could use a little help. (archived)
Battle of the popular dynamic kick drum mic choices (archived)
Hole or no hole, kick drum micing (archived)
Favorite Microphone (archived)
Drum Microphones (archived)
drum sound question (archived)
Miking a junior drum kit in a small room (archived)
Best drummer you've seen.... (archived)
WHO is the greatest drummer ever? (archived)
Todd Trainer (archived)
Todd Trainer's drum kit (archived)
Bob Weston As Frankenstein. (Todd as a vampire) (archived)
Jesus Lizard technical info (archived)
Drummer: Rey Washam (archived)
Drummer: Keith Moon (archived)
drummer: Ringo Starr (archived)
Drummer: John Stanier (archived)
best drum fill ever (archived)
Good Drumming on Albums (archived)
Best drum beats (warning: a prog-free thread) (archived)
poll: the Great 'Punk Rock' Drummers (archived)
drums, drumming, drummers (archived)
drums, drumming, drummers: v2.0 (archived)
drum information resource (archived)
drummers: what should i be doing beyond rudiments? (archived)
Learning to play drums (archived)
drummers! (archived)
Electrical Drums ?s (archived)
Drumset Seating/Positioning and playing powerfully.. (archived)
Drummers: Heel up or down? (archived)
Traditional grip vs overhand grip. (archived)
great drum records (archived)
cleaning cymbals (archived)
quiet cymbals (archived)
hi hat cymbals for recording (archived)
Cymbals (archived)
bosphorus cymbals (archived)