Seasonal Candy-Dome: Peeps vs Candy Corn

Total votes: 7 (70%)
Total votes: 3 (30%)
Total votes: 10

Re: Seasonal Candy-Dome: Peeps vs Candy Corn

Candy corn is okay in low doses, as accompaniment-treat, with other stuff. It pads out a trick-or-treater's bounty. (That's the dumbest sentence I have ever typed.)

Peeps are better suited to being consumed on their own. They're more toward the exceptional, and more filling, but also technically more gross/inordinate.

Peeps win, but could never make a habit of them.
ZzzZzzZzzz . . .

Re: Seasonal Candy-Dome: Peeps vs Candy Corn

candy corn. If we're into full Kenny mode, the series goes like this: candy corn < Indian corn< the pumpkins made of candy corn stuff.

Peeps have to have the proper amount of staleness. Super fresh, they are way too soft and don't have the right "bite" to them. I have in the past concocted an Easter dessert item I call Peeps Pie, which is awesome. Make you a crumb crust with chocolate waffers. Make a good strawberry bombe (basically crushed strawberries, whipped cream, some gelatin for thickening). Slice some Peeps in half the long way to make them thinner. Put some bombe on the crust, then a layer of yer thin Peeps, then more bombe, then another layer of peeps on top. Refrigerate it so it all sets up.

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