Or, Making Do(om):
I finally found myself an excellent, metal-inclined drummer that has both outpaced my current abilities and demands we chug harder and weirder.
Can't find a damn bass player that can keep up to save my life up here. The one I had lined up is out of commission for personal reasons for several months.
I remembered the last couple times I saw Big Business, Jared had this insane complicated rig splitting his signal all over the place to achieve a sort of church organ effect aided by the various EHX Hogs and Pogs, etc for big massive chords. Sounds awesome, obviously. Figured I could do that but backwards.
So I split my signal - Down tuned EGC into a splitter :
Going to the guitar amp is just a Rat
Going to a borrowed bass amp is a bass eq with all the high knobs off, the lowest knob (far left)all the way up, and the next 2 about half way. This goes into a whammy with the octave down selection.
I've mostly stopped using the whammy because it sounds too "local guitar/drums duo with octaves" for my tastes, and because my chord shaping does not facilitate that effect. So I'm probably gonna drop it from the chain.
I'm wondering if any of you have pursued similar solutions, what you could recommend, and if you think local sound guys would shit if I just asked them to split my low end signal to the pa from the eq so I don't have to lug around 2 amps.
For Want of Low End
Last edited by GuyLaCroix on Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.