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AQss in the LHE
Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 5:37 pm
by Prisonrape
So we’ve got bear and norm. Bear is aggro pre with all the nonsense but is face up on the big streets. Norm is your typical cold calling fish, very passive.
Bear opens early, norm calls the HJ, I three the sb with AQss.
Flop is AcKsTs
I bet, Jimmy calls, norm raises.
Re: AQss in the LHE
Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2023 10:02 pm
by akosinski
is your question whether or not to raise or call? you have top pair, two backdoor draws to the nuts and it's a big pot. the real question is whether or not Jimmy is about to three bet in between you.
Re: AQss in the LHE
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 5:05 am
by DreamTheaterLover666
I think I like raise now and start pushing some equity, Jimmy probably folds but him calling 2 is great obv. Regardless of hu or 3h on turn, if called, I'm betting every non KTQ turn assuming this guy is passive like you say and just calls not nutted vs aggressive line. River im checking unimproved and probably sigh folding to a bet if this guy doesnt bluff enough or semibluff/freecard raise flops
If flop goes Norm raise you call, Jimmy calls, and turn brings a spade, I think it checks through too often if you're not leading, and leading is strong ( but prob still gets calls ). I'd be curious what a solver does tbh, but has to be locked for the right raising ranges. Pretty positive you're always 3 betting vs strong players here
Re: AQss in the LHE
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 8:14 pm
by steve
Norm has two cards, Jimmy can have a Jack, a Queen, any Ace or King. I think I raise right away and bet/call down UI.