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Commercial/Institutional AV/IT Nerd-out

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 1:37 am
by Geiginni
Sorry, my dudes, for hogging the GEAR YOUHATE thread. I've enjoyed the discussion with FM Biscuitdough and FM Kniferide, and hope to move the discussion over here and invite other FMs working in related events and content production and/or post-production to join in.


Re: Commercial/Institutional AV/IT Nerd-out

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:25 am
by thecr4ne
for the past 18 years I've been working in AV in higher Ed, Classroom AV for the most part. It's nothing compared to the live events production level stuff, more of a find something that works well and stick with it till obsolescence. I've dealt with a variety of control systems, mid level projectors, some Extron and Kramer switchers and every oddball little box known to man. I know there's some really fancy shit out there, but I've always favored a system I can troubleshoot at a glance over a black box that's switching and converting and routing internally. I'm always part of an IT dept, which is always a fucking shitshow some way or another, but the actual work I don't mind, and PhD types think I'm some sort of wizard so that's cool. Anyway, carry on with your fance-pantsy Production world AV conversation. I'll just be here to interrupt occasionally.

Re: Commercial/Institutional AV/IT Nerd-out

Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:36 am
by penningtron
I'll be following along as well, as there's occasional overlap with the Network+ exam I'm studying for, and I won't feel like I'm slacking as much. Carry on!