Beck Hansen

Total votes: 14 (54%)
Total votes: 12 (46%)
Total votes: 26




Listened to Mellow Gold last night and I feel like his stuff has really held up. I especially like his slower acoustic folkie stuff, like

Per his Wikipedia page, he's not a Scientologist.

Re: Beck

A firm NC from me for the albums above as well as Mutations, Guero and even the melodramatic Sea Changes and Morning Phase.

He's everything a huge pop star should be: mysterious, inscrutable, ageless and a musical changeling.

Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but you must respect the massive balls it takes to sing this on SNL:

Re: Beck

Beck is NC

Not that much of a fan of his latest stuff, but love just about everything through Guero, with Odelay being my favorite of his.
InMySoul77 wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 1:02 am Per his Wikipedia page, he's not a Scientologist.
Apparently, he was raised a Scientologist by his parents, and no longer is, so all is forgiven there.
jason (he/him/his) from volo (illinois)

Re: Beck

iembalm wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 9:27 am I really like Sea Change, but I think that's mostly due to David Campbell's string arrangements.
I unknowingly heard a song from this release the other day and was struck by how beautiful it sounded. Kinda shocked to realize it was Beck. I think I'd like Sea Change if I ever gave it a good sit-down.

Almost met him once at a fancy local bar but he appeared standoffish. Looking back if I had that high-visibility I'd walk around with a scowl as well.

There was an ill-fated Flaming Lips/Beck tour where Coyne started beef with Beck calling him a "diva" in the press, complaining that he didn't set up his own gear. It's funny-sad to me this notion of Wayne Coyne reading his contemporaries for filth. Talk about a diva.

Don't much care for the alterna-hits but from what I've heard Sea Change is pretty. There was some Scientology hubub happening for a bit. I was never into his deal but will attest to nice melodies here and there.

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