Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

This is a thread for me to keep track of hands that BSH provided commentary on. I will post the hand & then insert commentary after every street that involves what my thinking was and what Brandon thought. It’s basically a diary that I can go back to for studying.

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on Upswing Poker

Dez4prez: $47.25 (118 bb)
jokerzzz: $9.40 (24 bb)
infinite23: $11.86 (30 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $2.29 (6 bb)
waytoocool: $9.16 (23 bb)
sheriff314159: $71.78 (179 bb)
WillGraham: $90.12 (225 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $38.00 (95 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 3 OMARTUGGY bring-in $0.20____OMARTUGGY calls $0.20
Xx Xx A Dez4prez folds
Xx Xx 4 jokerzzz folds
Xx Xx T infinite23 folds
Xx Xx 9 HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx 9 waytoocool folds
Xx Xx 6 sheriff314159 calls $0.20____sheriff314159 calls $0.20
K Q K WillGraham raises to $0.40

There was no commentary on 3rd Street which I think is a clear open (thoughts are welcome)

Fourth Street: ($2) (3 players)
K Q K T WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx 3 5 OMARTUGGY bets $0.40
Xx Xx 6 7 sheriff314159 calls $0.40

My opponents both hit very good cards, so I think this is a check call 100% of the time and wait to see what happens on 5th. Brandon offered no commentary but I think thats because I played it that way.

Fifth Street: ($3.20) (3 players)
Xx Xx 3 5 3 OMARTUGGY bets $0.80
Xx Xx 6 7 A sheriff314159 calls $0.80
K Q K T 8 WillGraham folds

Hand Thoughts:

Brandon thinks this is a laydown, so we are off to a good start. This spot is a common problem for me and I’m still struggling with it. The spot being holding a pair of Kings or Queens against one or two low cards. I remember from previous discussions that the general thought was that limped low cards suggest razzy or disconnected/unsuited low low low ranges. An open from a low card typically suggests a pair or AA-Low or three very connected/suited low cards (typically with an Ace). With that in mind, the 6♣ limping suggests he doesn’t have an Ace which is where my confusion lies. I get in my own head and fear that folding is me playing too scared. I would like some advice on why this is automatic fold. Of course, I did fold, but it was more gut instinct than logical decision and I want some reinforcement for similar spots.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

waytoocool: $9.06 (23 bb)
sheriff314159: $72.34 (181 bb)
WillGraham: $89.22 (223 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $38.56 (96 bb)
Dez4prez: $47.15 (118 bb)
jokerzzz: $9.30 (23 bb)
infinite23: $11.76 (29 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $2.19 (5 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 5 HjFarnsworth bring-in $0.20____HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx Q waytoocool calls $0.20____waytoocool calls $0.60
Xx Xx 6 sheriff314159 folds
5 2 7 WillGraham folds
Xx Xx A OMARTUGGY raises to $0.40____OMARTUGGY calls $0.40
Xx Xx J Dez4prez raises to $0.80
Xx Xx 9 jokerzzz folds
Xx Xx T infinite23 folds

Hand Thoughts: With diamonds dead, this is a good fold. If the game is super super passive, you can make this call for a limp, but otherwise, good fold.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

OMARTUGGY: $34.06 (85 bb)
Dez4prez: $44.25 (111 bb)
jokerzzz: $9.20 (23 bb)
infinite23: $11.66 (29 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $1.89 (5 bb)
waytoocool: $16.76 (42 bb)
sheriff314159: $72.24 (181 bb)
WillGraham: $89.12 (223 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
2 7 2 WillGraham bring-in $0.20____WillGraham calls $0.20
Xx Xx 9 OMARTUGGY folds
Xx Xx 7 Dez4prez folds
Xx Xx 4 jokerzzz raises to $0.40
Xx Xx T infinite23 calls $0.40
Xx Xx 6 HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx 3 waytoocool folds
Xx Xx 6 sheriff314159 folds

Being the bring in, its an easy call but I’m wondering, if the 7♥ was my door card and knowing that there is another 7 out and this hand is pretty crummy, I think this is a fold? Curious about your thoughts.

Fourth Street: ($2) (3 players)
2 7 2 Q WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx 4 5 jokerzzz bets $0.40
Xx Xx T J infinite23 calls $0.40

This is still a cheap street, so I think the call is easy. Furthermore, deuces still very live, the 5♥ is actually a very live card which means its more likely we are looking at a three way high hand situation here rather than two high one low (correct me if I’m wrong). In addition, the Q♦ gives me an over card to the potential pair of tens. I can definitely take one more card.

HOWEVER, if I had caught an undercard to the Ten or if the other player had caught a very dead low card (making it less likely they paired and more likely they have four to a low) then it’s leaning toward a fold on fourth.

Fifth Street: ($3.20) (3 players)
Xx Xx 4 5 K jokerzzz checks____jokerzzz calls $0.80
Xx Xx T J 8 infinite23 checks____infinite23 calls $0.80
2 7 2 Q 7 WillGraham bets $0.80

This isn’t the worst card. Especially when checked to, I think it’s an easy bet. I think the K♣ is a total brick, so I think it is an easy bet. I believe I should be happy that I hold two 7s and one Q, correct? If he’s drawing to a straight I have three relevant blockers. If he started with a pair of tens, I have two pair.

Sixth Street: ($5.60) (3 players)
Xx Xx T J 8 T infinite23 bets $0.80
2 7 2 Q 7 8 WillGraham calls $0.80
Xx Xx 4 5 K T jokerzzz folds

Brandon suggests folding here. I think what really tripped me up was the other Ten being revealed. I’m not sure how much weight I should put in that, but that pushed me to call and put him more on the straight draw than trips. I also liked that I had an eight which would block his two pairs. I guess the main question is in this spot, is it always a fold?

Seventh Street: ($7.20) (2 players)
Xx Xx T J 8 T Xx infinite23 checks____infinite23 calls $0.80
2 7 2 Q 7 8 A WillGraham bets $0.80

Total pot: $8.80 (Rake: $0.39)

WillGraham shows 2 7 2 Q 7 8 A (HI: two pair, Sevens and Twos)
infinite23 shows A A T J 8 T 5 (HI: two pair, Aces and Tens)
infinite23 wins $8.41

Final Thoughts:

Brandon initially liked the bet on 7th but thought the problem was 6th. Then he decided the bet on 7th was probably bad since I already called on 6th. The main thing being if I’m going to go all the way with this hand it has to be in a way that I only pay one total bet. He doesn’t think a worse hand calls on 7th, so there is no way I’m going to get value for my two pair or trips or two way hand, therefore, its kind of a waste. I get that and agree.

If I fold 6th I save two big bets. This is how they start to add up!
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on Upswing Poker

infinite23: $15.87 (40 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $1.29 (3 bb)
waytoocool: $23.16 (58 bb)
sheriff314159: $64.44 (161 bb)
WillGraham: $84.52 (211 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $24.75 (62 bb)
Dez4prez: $42.65 (107 bb)
jokerzzz: $20.98 (52 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 2 jokerzzz bring-in $0.20____jokerzzz calls $0.20____jokerzzz calls $0.40
Xx Xx 5 infinite23 folds
Xx Xx 7 HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx J waytoocool folds
Xx Xx 8 sheriff314159 calls $0.20____sheriff314159 raises to $0.80
A 3 6 WillGraham raises to $0.40____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx 4 OMARTUGGY calls $0.40____OMARTUGGY calls $0.40
Xx Xx A Dez4prez folds

The limp re-raise should raise more an eyebrow than it did. I have an Ace, another Ace has been folded on 3rd, all of the eights are live, I have the six of hearts so he doesn’t have (6♥7♥)8♥ - most likely rolled up or he has the last two Aces. Not that this changes much, I think an open/call is correct.

Fourth Street: ($4) (4 players)
Xx Xx 2 2 jokerzzz checks____jokerzzz calls $0.80____jokerzzz calls $0.40
Xx Xx 8 7 sheriff314159 bets $0.40____sheriff314159 raises to $1.20
A 3 6 7 WillGraham raises to $0.80____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx 4 9 OMARTUGGY calls $0.80____OMARTUGGY calls $0.40

This was a good idea, but I didn’t go all the way. Have to remember that this is the cheap street and in a spot like this (especially with 4 9 calling that I have to absolutely put as much money in there as possible, so it’s a raise/cap situation. I have way more than 25% equity, so get it in. Brandon used this street to describe situations in Omaha 8 where we want to put in a lot of action on the small bet streets when we have a good hand that might be vulnerable because we won’t be able to do so on the big bet streets where people tend to tighten up/fold.

Fifth Street: ($8.80) (4 players)
Xx Xx 2 2 T jokerzzz checks____jokerzzz folds
Xx Xx 8 7 T sheriff314159 bets $0.80
A 3 6 7 9 WillGraham calls $0.80
Xx Xx 4 9 7 OMARTUGGY calls $0.80

Nothing you can do here but call.

Sixth Street: ($11.20) (3 players)
Xx Xx 8 7 T 8 sheriff314159 bets $0.80
A 3 6 7 9 K WillGraham calls $0.80
Xx Xx 4 9 7 J OMARTUGGY calls $0.80

In the video I started asking if it was worth it at all to do anything other than call and clearly it’s not a fold, but on top of that looking at the boards, I’m drawing to a 76 and there is no hiding it. I’m showing 6♥7♣9♣K♦ so the only semi strong hand I could have is A♣2♣ or A♣5♣ which would have shown more strength on 5th street. Therefore, my opponent, who is most likely drawing to a 74 knows this. It’s a simple call and wait.

Seventh Street: ($13.60) (3 players)
Xx Xx 8 7 T 8 Xx sheriff314159 bets $0.80
A 3 6 7 9 K 2 WillGraham calls $0.80
Xx Xx 4 9 7 J Xx OMARTUGGY folds

Total pot: $15.20 (Rake: $0.40)

sheriff314159 shows 8 8 8 7 T 8 K (HI: four of a kind, Eights)
WillGraham shows A 3 6 7 9 K 2 (HI: high card, Ace; LO: 7-6-3-2-A)
sheriff314159 wins $7.40
WillGraham wins $7.40

Final thoughts:

Pretty easy overcall situation since my opponent is drawing to a better low. In the end, my lack of aggression on 4th cost me one small bet. THEY ADD UP.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

waytoocool: $19.76 (49 bb)
sheriff314159: $66.57 (166 bb)
WillGraham: $86.64 (217 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $22.96 (57 bb)
Dez4prez: $41.07 (103 bb)
jokerzzz: $17.98 (45 bb)
infinite23: $15.47 (39 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $5.84 (15 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 3 HjFarnsworth bring-in $0.20____HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx 7 waytoocool folds
Xx Xx Q sheriff314159 folds
8 A 5 WillGraham raises to $0.40
Xx Xx 4 OMARTUGGY folds
Xx Xx 7 Dez4prez calls $0.40
Xx Xx Q jokerzzz folds
Xx Xx A infinite23 folds

Brandon thinks this is a fold. He’s correct. There are too many better cards behind me, its not very connected, unsuited. This was a bad open.

Fourth Street: ($1.80) (2 players)
8 A 5 5 WillGraham bets $0.40
Xx Xx 7 9 Dez4prez calls $0.40

No comment from Brandon on this although now looking back, we’ve only seen a few spades. I still that means this is a bet, but the fact that this is a fold really makes itself known at this point. The only thing we could have hoped for was a total brick on 4th/5th to make this hand play out where you’re not defensive.

Fifth Street: ($2.60) (2 players)
8 A 5 5 J WillGraham checks
Xx Xx 7 9 K Dez4prez checks

This was a check/fold spot but he checked behind and I believed him.

Sixth Street: ($2.60) (2 players)
8 A 5 5 J J WillGraham bets $0.80
Xx Xx 7 9 K 8 Dez4prez calls $0.80

Easy bet.

Seventh Street: ($4.20) (2 players)
8 A 5 5 J J 3 WillGraham checks
Xx Xx 7 9 K 8 Xx Dez4prez checks

Total pot: $4.20 (Rake: $0.18)

WillGraham shows 8 A 5 5 J J 3 (HI: two pair, Jacks and Fives)
Dez4prez shows 6 4 7 9 K 8 J (HI: high card, King)
WillGraham wins $4.02

Final Thoughts:

Brandon mentions that if I fill up this is a check raise. Otherwise, given my board this is an easy check/call.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

WillGraham: $88.96 (222 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $22.86 (57 bb)
Dez4prez: $39.37 (98 bb)
jokerzzz: $17.88 (45 bb)
infinite23: $15.37 (38 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $5.54 (14 bb)
waytoocool: $19.66 (49 bb)
sheriff314159: $66.47 (166 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 2 sheriff314159 bring-in $0.20____sheriff314159 folds
3 A 4 WillGraham raises to $0.40
Xx Xx 3 OMARTUGGY folds
Xx Xx 5 Dez4prez calls $0.40
Xx Xx A jokerzzz folds
Xx Xx A infinite23 calls $0.40
Xx Xx 2 HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx 4 waytoocool folds

Fourth Street: ($2.20) (3 players)
Xx Xx A 6 infinite23 checks____infinite23 folds
3 A 4 7 WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx 5 4 Dez4prez bets $0.40

With me holding a four and a four being folded on 3rd street, that makes the 4♦ much less likely to have paired him which means he is probably drawing to a very good low at this point.

Fifth Street: ($3) (2 players)
3 A 4 7 9 WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.80
Xx Xx 5 4 8 Dez4prez bets $0.80

Sixth Street: ($4.60) (2 players)
3 A 4 7 9 5 WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.80
Xx Xx 5 4 8 2 Dez4prez bets $0.80

I noted in live commentary, we already saw two 2’s on 3rd street so once again, highly unlikely that this paired him. On top of that, we saw two aces (and we have the third Ace) and we have seen two 3’s (one in our hand) so we can be less worried about a wheel. They likely have a low, but all of my sixes are live for a straight (and a better low) and I have a few overcards (Ace, 9) so this may be a bet or a check raise.

Seventh Street: ($6.20) (2 players)
3 A 4 7 9 5 J WillGraham checks
Xx Xx 5 4 8 2 Xx Dez4prez checks

Total pot: $6.20 (Rake: $0.27)

Dez4prez shows 2 7 5 4 8 2 K (HI: a pair of Twos; LO: 8-7-5-4-2)
WillGraham shows 3 A 4 7 9 5 J (HI: high card, Ace; LO: 7-5-4-3-A)
Dez4prez wins $2.97
WillGraham wins $2.96

Final Thoughts:

I like the idea of putting some pressure on 6th when you take all of the dead cards into consideration.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

sheriff314159: $66.17 (165 bb)
WillGraham: $89.42 (224 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $22.76 (57 bb)
Dez4prez: $39.84 (100 bb)
jokerzzz: $17.78 (44 bb)
infinite23: $14.87 (37 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $5.44 (14 bb)
waytoocool: $19.56 (49 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 3 waytoocool bring-in $0.20____waytoocool calls $0.20
Xx Xx 8 sheriff314159 folds
8 2 A WillGraham raises to $0.40
Xx Xx 5 OMARTUGGY folds
Xx Xx A Dez4prez folds
Xx Xx A jokerzzz calls $0.40
Xx Xx 5 infinite23 folds
Xx Xx 3 HjFarnsworth folds

Brandon suggests adding this hand into a limping range. Our worst aces. Don’t bloat the pot yet, young man.

Fourth Street: ($2) (3 players)
8 2 A 9 WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx A 6 jokerzzz bets $0.40
Xx Xx 3 K waytoocool calls $0.40

I called here and noted that the six is a pair card as sixes are 100% live, but Brandon thinks that maybe this is a fold. Seems like we are playing with fire - rather than think about direct odds, think about what happens if we hit a good card and they brick on 5th - now we have to see 6th and don’t really have a great hand.

Fifth Street: ($3.20) (3 players)
8 2 A 9 K WillGraham checks____WillGraham folds
Xx Xx A 6 7 jokerzzz bets $0.80
Xx Xx 3 K T waytoocool calls $0.80

Have to fold, kind of confirms that 4th was where we should have dipped.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

jokerzzz: $20.42 (51 bb)
infinite23: $14.67 (37 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $4.64 (12 bb)
waytoocool: $11.37 (28 bb)
sheriff314159: $67.73 (169 bb)
WillGraham: $88.52 (221 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $28.10 (70 bb)
Dez4prez: $39.04 (98 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 2 Dez4prez bring-in $0.20____Dez4prez calls $0.20
Xx Xx A jokerzzz calls $0.20____jokerzzz calls $0.20
Xx Xx 8 infinite23 folds
Xx Xx Q HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx 8 waytoocool folds
Xx Xx 3 sheriff314159 folds
4 5 6 WillGraham raises to $0.40
Xx Xx 4 OMARTUGGY folds

Brandon agrees, my hand is too good to limp here.

Fourth Street: ($2) (3 players)
Xx Xx A 5 jokerzzz checks____jokerzzz calls $0.80
4 5 6 7 WillGraham bets $0.40____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx 2 7 Dez4prez raises to $0.80

Obvious question is here is whether or not to bloat. I noted the many dead cards missing to help my hand (one 3, two 8s) and clearly the other two players hit decent cards. This led me to bet/call. Brandon agrees with not bloating and thinks that check/call may be a better line here. I have a good hand but in this particular situation, we cannot ignore my opponent’s having a very good hand.

Fifth Street: ($4.40) (3 players)
Xx Xx 2 7 2 Dez4prez bets $0.80
Xx Xx A 5 9 jokerzzz folds
4 5 6 7 9 WillGraham calls $0.80

Sixth Street: ($6) (2 players)
Xx Xx 2 7 2 3 Dez4prez checks
4 5 6 7 9 T WillGraham checks

Seventh Street: ($6) (2 players)
Xx Xx 2 7 2 3 Xx Dez4prez checks____Dez4prez calls $0.80
4 5 6 7 9 T 4 WillGraham bets $0.80

Total pot: $7.60 (Rake: $0.34)

WillGraham shows 4 5 6 7 9 T 4 (HI: a pair of Fours)
Dez4prez shows 7 A 2 7 2 3 K (HI: two pair, Sevens and Twos)
Dez4prez wins $7.26

Final Thoughts:

My river bet was desperation. As Brandon puts it, nobody ever folds with that board. Bad idea. Still having trouble in those very specific spots - I have a scary board against a hand that has shown a little bit of passivity, I brick but the pot is large enough to where I want it. The issue is that my board looks like it may be “low” and his hand is more than likely a “high” so he’s going to call every time. If my board looked more threatening on the same side that he was going, it may have worked.
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 8 players
Replay this hand on Upswing Poker

Dez4prez: $43.30 (108 bb)
jokerzzz: $19.02 (48 bb)
infinite23: $14.47 (36 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $4.24 (11 bb)
waytoocool: $12.12 (30 bb)
sheriff314159: $67.53 (169 bb)
WillGraham: $85.52 (214 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $27.90 (70 bb)

Third Street: ($0.80) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 2 OMARTUGGY bring-in $0.20____OMARTUGGY folds
Xx Xx T Dez4prez folds
Xx Xx 3 jokerzzz folds
Xx Xx 4 infinite23 calls $0.20____infinite23 calls $0.20
Xx Xx 9 HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx 3 waytoocool calls $0.20____waytoocool calls $0.20
Xx Xx Q sheriff314159 folds
8 A 6 WillGraham raises to $0.40

“Appreciate that there are hands better than yours that are willing to limp.”
-Brandon Shack Harris

This is an example of bloating a pot early where better ranges are already in. This is worth playing, but we should take the cheapest price to see 4th.

Fourth Street: ($2.20) (3 players)
Xx Xx 3 K waytoocool checks____waytoocool folds
8 A 6 5 WillGraham bets $0.40
Xx Xx 4 5 infinite23 calls $0.40

Fifth Street: ($3) (2 players)
Xx Xx 4 5 5 infinite23 bets $0.80
8 A 6 5 K WillGraham calls $0.80

Sixth Street: ($4.60) (2 players)
Xx Xx 4 5 5 6 infinite23 bets $0.80____infinite23 calls $0.80
8 A 6 5 K A WillGraham raises to $1.60

This was a bad move. Brandon acknowledges that the straight is highly unlikely (which I stated in the video) but his hand is still so much better than mine. Most likely a great low draw (or made low) or two pair. He’s free rolling both directions.

Seventh Street: ($7.80) (2 players)
Xx Xx 4 5 5 6 Xx infinite23 checks____infinite23 calls $0.80
8 A 6 5 K A 2 WillGraham bets $0.80

Total pot: $9.40 (Rake: $0.40)

WillGraham shows 8 A 6 5 K A 2 (HI: a pair of Aces; LO: 8-6-5-2-A)
infinite23 shows 3 6 4 5 5 6 9 (HI: two pair, Sixes and Fives)
WillGraham wins $4.50
infinite23 wins $4.50

Final Thoughts: He didn’t comment but I think the bet on 7th is bad as well :)
My thoughts on music:

Re: Stud 8 Hands - Andy playing SSS8 with Commentary by BSH

Winning Poker, 7 Stud H/L Limit - $0.40/$0.80 ($0.10 ante) - 7 players
Hand delivered by Upswing Poker

infinite23: $16.08 (40 bb)
HjFarnsworth: $3.94 (10 bb)
waytoocool: $11.42 (29 bb)
sheriff314159: $66.63 (167 bb)
WillGraham: $85.72 (214 bb)
OMARTUGGY: $27.40 (69 bb)
Dez4prez: $43.50 (109 bb)

Third Street: ($0.70) Hero (WillGraham) is in Seat 5
Xx Xx 2 Dez4prez bring-in $0.20____Dez4prez calls $0.20
Xx Xx 6 infinite23 folds
Xx Xx 8 HjFarnsworth folds
Xx Xx A waytoocool folds
Xx Xx T sheriff314159 calls $0.20____sheriff314159 calls $0.20
J Q J WillGraham raises to $0.40
Xx Xx 3 OMARTUGGY folds

I have a pair bigger than tens who just limped, so I think this is a good raise with only two small cards left to act, one of which is the bring in.

Fourth Street: ($1.90) (3 players)
Xx Xx T J sheriff314159 checks____sheriff314159 calls $0.40
J Q J 4 WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.40
Xx Xx 2 5 Dez4prez bets $0.40

This looks like a brick for me (it is) and 2♦ catching the 5♣ seems bad. Also, the Jack hitting my opponent takes away trip cards and could hit them if they’re trying for some type of straight.

Fifth Street: ($3.10) (3 players)
J Q J 4 4 WillGraham bets $0.80
Xx Xx 2 5 8 Dez4prez calls $0.80
Xx Xx T J 8 sheriff314159 folds

The opponent may have a low now as the 8 is a dead-ish card. However, the 5 was a pair card and he has a very disconnected board, so I think I can bet here to get value from any paired hands that will be below Jacks.

Sixth Street: ($4.70) (2 players)
J Q J 4 4 A WillGraham checks____WillGraham calls $0.80
Xx Xx 2 5 8 7 Dez4prez bets $0.80

I’m likely being free-rolled, so this is a check call.

Seventh Street: ($6.30) (2 players)
J Q J 4 4 A 4 WillGraham bets $0.80
Xx Xx 2 5 8 7 Xx Dez4prez calls $0.80

Total pot: $7.90 (Rake: $0.35)

WillGraham shows J Q J 4 4 A 4 (HI: a full house, Fours full of Jacks)
Dez4prez shows 2 A 2 5 8 7 T (HI: a pair of Twos; LO: 8-7-5-2-A)
WillGraham wins $3.78
Dez4prez wins $3.77

Final Thoughts:

I fucked up the river. It is a check raise. Too much panic about not getting value but I’m pretty sure that he’s going to bet any low & flush and check back or fold any one pair, two pair worse than mine, so basically I get an extra bet in when he hits a flush.
My thoughts on music:

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