Restaurant (until about five years ago)
Gullible (why not able?)
Separate (I want to put an 'e' in the middle)
Re: Words you still need help spelling
3All of them 
Seriously though, I have a weird form of dislexia that means I draw a completely blank on some more complicated words I’ve probably spelt a hundred times before.
Seriously though, I have a weird form of dislexia that means I draw a completely blank on some more complicated words I’ve probably spelt a hundred times before.
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.
Re: Words you still need help spelling
5My nemesis.andyman wrote: Also, bureaucracy
clocker bob may 30, 2006 wrote:I think the possibility of interbreeding between an earthly species and an extraterrestrial species is as believable as any other explanation for the existence of George W. Bush.
Re: Words you still need help spelling
7Possess throws me now and then, simply because the first ss is sounded as a zed, the second as an s. It's completely illogical (like a thousand much more difficult words that have never given me even a moment's grief)
Re: Words you still need help spelling
8recommend is my constant nemesis. also, my eyesight is going, so typing on a computer is ponderous at best.
Re: Words you still need help spelling
9"Portland," which sucks because I live here and probably type it out a couple dozen times per day.
"Portlnad" is how it almost always comes out unless I slow my keystrokes, which is kind of funny if you say it out loud, I guess.
"Portlnad" is how it almost always comes out unless I slow my keystrokes, which is kind of funny if you say it out loud, I guess.
"And the light, it burns your a language you don't understand."