by morze_Archive
i like recording bass cabs in either as dead a room or spot as possible- or cover over it and the mic with a large comforter or sleeping bags.
additionally, if using one mic, i usually like to put the mic anywhere from 1-3 feet away pointed at the center of the cone. i always try to get a lot of low end bass sound to tape- but i think it's always important to aim at the center to get lots of brightness as well. it's very simple to get rid of brightness later- but adding brightness to a track recorded with none is always irritating and futile.
with 2 mics though- i would try the 52 on the closest cone to the floor, near the rim of the cone and the 57 on a cone higher up in the center.
make sure the phase is all good and you should be pleased.
also- i try to limit both mics equally- usually setting the threshold around 0 or +3 at an 8:1 ratio. this way, only the really wonky loud notes are getting nudged and there won't be any silly secondary overtones being boosted as a result of compressing rather than limiting. i see it alot these days where jerks overcompress bass and then think it's out of tune or the bassist is playing the wrong part- when in fact- the track is being so squashed that the overtones are being recorded louder than the fundamentals.
as for an aggressive sound, i would mic closer than farther and dialing in some additive EQ around 700Hz does wonders for bass "growl" and 1.6KHz for the actual notes being played.
for cool "nasty" i also really dig putting lots of things that rattle around the amp so they go nuts on certain notes. things like toolboxes, jars filled with screws, bikes, etc. it's subtle but usually pretty exciting and/or interesting- especially on a solo or quiet passage. (but then again- i am generally know for being kind of a weirdo!)
and above all, if you are moving mics around for awhile and still nothing is sounding great, try tweaking the amp, changing the amp, or maybe
even (but hopefully not) the bassist!
"NILBOG is GOBLIN spelled backwards!!!!"
-Joshua. (Troll 2.)