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Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 1:55 pm
by Swat_Archive
For those interested in a cheap option in tube mics, this is worth a look...

I've got two and like them quite a bit.

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 2:22 pm
by Theswede_Archive
Two of the Tele's? or the Apex?

I was really interested in the Telefunken (yes, because it was cheaper, and yes cause it was a telefunken) but i have heard all of this negative stuff about how there the same mic, yet the tele is $1399 and the apex is $299.

How are either?

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 9:32 pm
by Swat_Archive
To elaborate, I'm a very budget minded home recorder and I'm not much into spending hordes of money on equipment. Otherwise my only use of expensive mics are from renting or the rare occasion when I get use them in a 'pro' studio. Sorry for any confusion. I just thought that it was an interesting article for those who are on a budget and are looking for a good, cheap mic that is actually quite useful and flexible.

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Wed May 25, 2005 9:46 pm
by toomanyhelicopters_Archive
it looks like the article itself answered your question very directly, theSweed.

"Conclusion of an independent lab: "My opinion is that the Telefunken M16 and the Apex 460 are the same microphone with cosmetics being the major change." "

that's the second-to-last paragraph from the link

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:32 am
by Theswede_Archive
Alright Copters! I was merely trying to get a hands on from someone who has used em both, as i have seen peeps on "other boards" saying that the Tele sounds better because of better "QC", whereas i think they are just pulling the dinger. Unless a wood box ups the cost over a $1000, i can't see any reason to justify the extreme price differential

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 8:54 am
by toomanyhelicopters_Archive
Theswede wrote:Alright Copters! I was merely trying to get a handjob...wood box ups the cost over a $1000, i can't see any reason to justify the extreme price differential

can we still fight on this thread, even though the nicey-nice thread is out there? you poobag!

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 11:12 am
by Theswede_Archive
Yer mom's pants are considerably large!

Let the battles rage on. However, i feel a sense of regret carrying these foibles to the tech side while everybody's got their serious game on.

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:10 pm
by bleh_Archive
digging up an old ass thread. sure is this is old ass news to all of you, but havent seen too much about this here.

i have two apex 460's. i have modded them in the following manner.

1 - peluso cek 12 capsule, lundahl ll1636 transformer, 12au7, disconnected/jumpered second half of tube (not sure of the proper terminology for this), removed cathode follower circuit, removed c9 + c10.
1 - peluso cek 367 capsule, cinemag cm2480 transformer, 6072a, disconnected second half of tube, removed cathode follower.

they both cost around 500 total.

mic - 200
capsule - 200
transformer - 75
tube - 25

they both sound really good. im absolutely happy with the money/time spent. the one with the cek67 is my favorite generally...i may put the c9 +c10 back in the cek12 mic, sounds a bit thicker that way.

i havent heard an actual m16, but i would be surprised if it sounded "better".

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:49 pm
by Rodabod_Archive
I have something approaching the second variation you have with the exception that I'm using an M7-type capsule. The original capsules sound pretty awful. There are a few other things I may do also, eg. dropping the heater voltage and maybe the HT too. The capsule gets polarised a bit high which may affect the bass response a little. Anyway, I'll report back when I get mine working as well as possible. I'm keeping my budget to around $300 on this one.

Telefunken M16 and Apex 460 comparison

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 1:34 pm
by ethyrvalve_Archive
i have one with the following mods:

cek-12 capsule
cinemag cm2480 transformer
c9 and c10 removed
cathode follower removed
.68uf poly film cap in C8 (twas a bitch get in there)
most of the inner mesh removed.
NOS 6072a tube

i copied most of the ideas from a guy over at studioforums. I believe the basic idea is that it's easier to make the mic sorta like half a c28 rather than a poor man's c12. I don't have time to look it up, i think it has something to do with the the complexity of the power supply in the c12 circuit.

Anyhow, I'm very pleased with the results, it sounded horribly grainy before the mods--the difference is night and day. Now I tend to prefer it over my c414 TL-II and AT4047 on both male and female vox now (NB: we're talking a small sample here though--maybe 8 people). Also, it's very flattering on my crappy upright piano. I like its figure 8 and hypercardioid on bass cabinets as well (though i suspect people with more modern taste would prefer something bass-ier).