Coca Cola

The Devils drink...
Total votes: 15 (39%)
The Devils drink... but I like it
Total votes: 23 (61%)
Total votes: 38

Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

Rotten Tanx wrote:I only drink diet coke/pepsi. Everyone asks if I'm on a diet. To me the regular stuff is just vile and sickly. Like eating a large mars bar dipped in sugar.

Salut, Rotten Tanx! You are probably the only other person I know who shares this philosophy on the sweetness of Coca Cola (and especially Pepsi) with me. When I drank sodas a lot, I drank diet sodas for this very reason and nothing to do with any actual dieting.

Then one day they published all sorts of research saying the Nutrasweet had detrimental effects on the brain, short term memory loss, possibly causing cancer and all that. I stopped drinking diet soda and switched to not drinking soda much at all, but if I drank one it was regular-type.

Now there is Coca-Cola Zero, and I don't know what to do.

Regardless, Coca-Cola, she is not crap! When used as necessary for temporary caffeine / sugar highs, there is nothing better.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

ironyengine wrote:Now there is Coca-Cola Zero, and I don't know what to do.

WTF? This sounds like some kind of magical nectar. Please to explain.

Aspartame frenzy seems to have scared the world rotten (excuse the pun). I'm tempted to believe that the sugar industry (with its implausibly powerful lobbyists) concocted the myths behind aspartame to safeguard its own interests. Then again, the fact that Donald Rumsfeld helped rush it through the FDA's testing programme to get it to market ignoring that it hadn't been completely safety tested as a food additive is enough to make me choke on my Pepsi Max.

Still, there's nowt quite like a Jack Daniels and ice cold Coke.

Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

Rimbaud III wrote:
ironyengine wrote:Now there is Coca-Cola Zero, and I don't know what to do.

WTF? This sounds like some kind of magical nectar. Please to explain.

If you like flash
If you don't

I did not realize until reading the Wikipedia article that it uses the same formula as CCC and that Diet Coke does not, but I believe it. I have tried this beverage just today, and I think it tastes close enough to regular Coca-Cola to try it again. Especially with this good news below:

Huzzah! Although I am still fairly certain parts of my short-term memory did come back after I stopped imbibing the Diet Coke, this is good news. Now I just have to worry about all the other cancers I may have contracted over time.

Still, there's nowt quite like a Jack Daniels and ice cold Coke.

Indeed. All things in moderation, especially moderation.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

Carbonated Beverage: Coca-Cola

Not Crap.

I have a can for breakfast every morning on the way to work.
Then another about 11 am.
Then another at lunch.
Then another at about 4 pm.
And a couple in the evening, if I'm not out.

I drink a lot of Coke.
daniel robert chapman wrote:The biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased, biased cunts.

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