danmohr wrote:As I type this, I am watching (for approximately the 15th time) A Year and a Half in the Life of Metallica (first half only). I don't think I've learned a single fucking thing about recording from it, but the endless hours of assaulting bands in my basement with "just needs a little more character, a little more Hetfield" have paid for the DVD ten times over. And the part where Lonn Friend comes over with gay porn! And the part where Cancer Boy comes and plays guitar, oh, God I could go on all night!!
My top 13 favorite things about the Metallica movie:
13: The container truck full of outtake reels being loaded.
12: Bob Rock sneering, "All right, impress me. Let's hear the Guitar Player of the Year solo."
11: Bob Rock saying "Make the next couple of takes a little more peppery off the top... and keep the dynamics kinda cool on the high hat."
10: The Lars quote about what they wanted to accomplish: "Just get some swinging kinda back beat ... kinda shit going on. Just get psycho-motherfucker."
9: The symphonic percussionist (It looks like David Van Tieghem) standing nervously around while Lars whacks randomly at things on the percussion table with a mallet.
8: James Hetfield pumping a shotgun and cocking the lever on a Winchester model 98 in rhythm to a song.
7: Comparing actual Lars footage with the Metallica Drummer guy and not being able to decide who's more retarded.
6: Lars in the bathrobe eating salad.
5: Petty battle over whether or not there will be a guide vocal, ending with Lars stabbing a stick through his drumhead. His finest moment as a drummer.
4: Bob Rock saying "He's got to put some time into these solos. These songs deserve it."
3: Bob Rock is named Bob Rock, for shit's sake.
2: Bob Rock using a person's name as a synonym for greatness, in an attempt to get the musician to do what he wants: "Give it some of that
1: Bob Rock's white fringed calfskin jacket and feathered hair look.
I have seen copies of this video in studios in four different countries, where it has become a kind of tasting menu of bad studio indulgences and producer-speak bullshit. I have myself worn out two copies and am working on a third. I am shocked that anyone could watch it and not come to the conclusion that this record could have been made in a weekend, if not for all the bullshitting and producing being done. I actually know of a band who -- having watched this entire video -- then asked Bob Rock to work on their record.
The end result is a record that sounds fine. Passable by any standard. Unremarkable and ultimately trivial in the company of genuine, inspired and less deliberate records in the pantheon, but a perfectly acceptable record. In hindsight, does anybody think spending a million bucks and a year in the company of a manipulative bullshitter was worth that sort of a result -- an "okay if you like that stuff" kind of record?
Well, I suppose people have spent more on less. Michael Jackson's last decade, for example.
The contrast between this band and its stupid indulgences and Fugazi and their perfectly balanced efficiency is probably the thing that draws the line between "us" and "them."
The only rock film that comes close to the all-encompassing dumbness and self-absorption of this masterpiece is Danzig's "Long Form" video, which I have also worn out more than once.