Band: Trumans Water
3Extra Not Crap points for being Not Crap and being from San Diego.
Somebody put out a singles comp. earlier this year- are they making a comeback?
Not Crap.
Somebody put out a singles comp. earlier this year- are they making a comeback?
Not Crap.
Band: Trumans Water
4A comeback? When did they ever quit? We just played a gig with them in Belgium last June and they seemed to be very much alive then.
Band: Trumans Water
6I've been listening to these guys way too much lately.
Better yet, eat the placenta!!!
Band: Trumans Water
7I just recorded them.....not crap
they are lifers, and get better and better
...and swell guys
If you can get a copy of the super rare Peel Sessions its a good listen
they are lifers, and get better and better
...and swell guys
If you can get a copy of the super rare Peel Sessions its a good listen
Band: Trumans Water
8texhouston wrote:If you can get a copy of the super rare Peel Sessions its a good listen
I have this and it is wicked.
There's a blinding version of the Sun City Girls' 'Estoterica from Abyssinia'(is that the title?) on this album.
I've saw them live around 93-94 and they totally spun my conception of music around.
Apistogramma is a good album, too.
Band: Trumans Water
9I've never heard a record but they played here in about 91 / 92 and melted my brain. They were absolutely awesome.
Not Crap.
Not Crap.
Band: Trumans Water
10The song on the Dutch East India compilation...........what was that?
not crap!! That was a great compilation too.
not crap!! That was a great compilation too.