Apple Powerbook

So I'll be purchasing an Apple Powerbook pretty soon here and just wanted to see if anyone around electrical's forums had any advice as far as which model to go with.

Basically, I am not a computer person. I use them, but I don't get into the tech stuff and get really annoyed at the idea of upgrading every 1-2 years.

I'm thinking of going all out and splurging on the 17" Powerbook, but I wanted to ask some veteran Mac users if this will cover me for a few years, meaning "if I buy the top of the line now, will this still be running smoothly 3-4 years from now?" I'll be doing some substantial video editing on it, but that's it as far as special use goes.

I currently use a patched together PC from about 5 years ago. It's total junk. I've never used a Macintosh. Is there something about Mac's architecture that help keep them from basically "deteriorating" over the years (i.e. program crashing, slowing down, etc.)? Also, is this "Apple Protection Coverage Program" worth it?


Apple Powerbook

I have a 17" Powerbook that was bought 2 years ago. If you're dead set on a laptop, I would do it. But I would highly recommend on getting a G5 tower, especially if you're working on FCP. Bigger processors, more memory. Rendering goes faster. Even your low-end G5 is cheaper than the high-end Powerbook.
No matter what you buy now, it'll work in 3 or 4 years. But there will be something else out there that you'll be jealous of.

Apple Powerbook

I have a G4 Powerbook I bought about a year and a half ago. It was my first Mac. I bought it solely to use for recording. So I use that, with an Mbox and ProTools. The best part about it initially was the fact that setting up Pro Tools on my PC took 4 evenings and an extra 100 bucks worth of RAM (contrary to what the bitch at Guitar Center told me it would require), and when I got the Powerbook, I installed the software and it worked immediately. I've been using it ever since. I wouldn't necessarily say I've become a Mac guy because of it, but I've had no problems with it at all (unlike running PT on my PC which was problematic here and there). It's a good thing, too, because I still really don't know shit about Macs as far as when problems arise. The more I type, the more I realize that I'm not helping you at all...In summary, yeah, I have G4 Powerbook and I love it. Salut, Powerbook!

Oh yeah, and it makes for a nice portable naked lady machine, too!
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

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