First show you ever went to

H-GM wrote:

Just one: Judas Priest.

I was also at this show. We snuck in a bottle of Southern Comfort. The next day we graduated from high school.

Really?? I don't remember Judas Priest at all. I'm not finding Judas Priest listed on any of the Internet search results either. Hrmm. I'll take your word for it tho!

Do you remember how freaking hot it was that day? The people in the lawn turned on the sprinklers and started a mudslide down the hill. Scorps were pissed cuz everyone was paying more attention to the activity on the lawn than they were to the band!

First show you ever went to

First show I attended: Sly and the Family Stone, International Amphitheatre, Chicago, 1970 (?) I was 8 or 9. My mom had taken me to see "Woodstock" when it was first released, and Sly and the FS doing "I Wanna Take You Higher" blew my little mind. So when I heard on the radio that this guy Sly and his Family Stone were going to appear at the Amphitheatre, I begged my mom to take me. She did and I remember very little except that it was an overwhelming experience to be in a crowd like that and that my little brother (5 or 6 at the time, and with us) fell asleep, which I thought was impressive. Me, I was elated and freaked out. BOOM-SHAKA-LAKA!

First show you ever went to

I had this friend when I was in grade school. For awhile she was my best buddy, although my favourite part about going to her house after school was the snacks her mom laid out.

You know the TV family the Flanders? I will call them the Flanders.

The Flanders were quite nice. They liked to watch football and they also ate a lot of pork chops. The Flanders were a close family, and they'd invite me to go on their family outings. One time they invited me to a concert at a stadium. It sounded like fun. I'd never been to a concert.

The stadium was full. I remember that the music wasn't very good, but it was loud. I remember that all the people in the stadium did this thing where they closed their eyes and lifted up their arms, elbows bent, and faced their palms to the sky, or maybe the stage if they were fat or tired.

Everyone was doing it. I didn't. I thought, "Forget it. I don't know this dance."

I know for sure that someone named Michael W. Smith played. I feel like Amy Grant played as well, but I don't remember her at all.

Daughter Flanders, my friend also invited me to go to summer camp with her. Summer camp on an island sounded like fun to me.

So we went, and there were lots of kids my age. There were cabins and a waterslide and this pointy building.

Every day we would go to this pointy building and people would sing songs and do that dance. Afterwards, someone would put on a one man show and talk about their feelings. I knew what it was about. I still didn't understand, though.

I remember leaving the pointy building during one of these feeling sessions because I felt uncomfortable. If you are uncomfortable, you should move. I learned this somewhere.

After summer camp, I thought, "Okay, they keep quoting from this book. I guess I'll read it. Maybe it will make me understand." I read the whole thing. It took a long time. I only read it while pooing. I wasn't sure if that was okay, to poo and read that book, but I just did it.

I don't really remember what the book was about. Sometimes I remember things. Like just today I remembered I'd read the word "philistine" a lot in that book. Just today I remembered about that concert.

First show you ever went to

shagboy wrote:
oucheh wrote:whom he wanted to fuck.

must you be so crass? perhaps he intended to "make love!"

I figure someone who applies his trade with drills probably skips the making love and simply fucks.

Perhaps I'm alone in this belief, but in regards to the situation I stated I believe that "fuck" was the appropriate description.


First show you ever went to

This post will provide a clue to my age: (not exactly) dragged kicking and screaming to see Kenny Rogers w/Dottie West, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, Houston Astrodome, 1978. My dad and uncle took binoculars to get a good gander at Ms. West's (now deceased) gorGONzolas. I was too young to drink, too high up in the cheap seats to catch the frisbees Kenny R. threw into the audience from a truck. Thanks, mom!.

First show of my own volition: Kiss without makeup and Queensryche, Corpus Christi Memorial Coliseum, January '85, Animalize tour. Saw Gene emerge from the limo, cool. Kiss's stage motif was a luxury cruise ship, and Paul was wearing his Captain Steubing hat. That is, if memory serves me correctly. Still too young to drink, but I may have gotten a contact buzz.

First alternative rock show: REM, Houston Summit, 1989, Green tour. I headbanged during their opening number, Pop Song '88 (89?), I didn't know what "sensitive," intelligent youth did at these types of concerts. Still a little too young to drink, did not yet smoke cigarettes, no one got high, no free buzz. Sat too far away to see M. Stipe's clown makeup.

First punk show: Soundgarden, opening for Voivod, Numbers, Houston, 1990. I had just become drinking age, so I drank a bottle of Hennessy and vomited on Chris Cornell, ruining an otherwise perfect dismount into the crowd after his flawless floor routine. Voivod's roadies spoke to us before the show, asking us with their Quebecoifs where the cigarettes they can purchased are. Although this counts as my first "brush with fame," I knew that Voivod and their entourage were really asking me and my buds for bunga-bunga, so we kindly pointed to a 7-Eleven and split BIG TIME! Oh yeah, accidentallyyanked up Matt Cameron by the balls, being a kind punk and all.

First real punk show: Mudhoney. I got spat on by punks. PUNKS!
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hayseedboys wrote:wel, i have an ider about a trucker who rapes an entire town...

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