"Tonight's the Night"

Total votes: 2 (6%)
Total votes: 30 (94%)
Total votes: 32

Album: " Tonight s the Night" by Neil Young

Superking wrote:[Tonight's the Night] makes things like Zuma sound really well-planned and formulaic.

This is nearly my exact response upon first listening to Tonight's the Night, though I still prefer Zuma.

Been listening to a ton of Neil Young these days. I've even gained an appreciation for Sleeps with Angels, and I suddenly really like Harvest after having written it off years ago. Never thought that would happen.

Album: " Tonight s the Night" by Neil Young

The real test for the individual listener on Tonight's The Night comes halfway through "Mellow My Mind", when he gets to the second "Ain't got nothin' on those feelings that I haaaa-a-aaa-aa-aaad" -- and he's, well, as off-key as off-key gets, plus he's swaying in front of the microphone.

I love it. It's one of my favorite records. (In high school, I spent many wintery Minnesota mornings on my 45-minute bus ride listening to a cassette with "Tonight's The Night" on side A and "Nebraska" on side B.)

It's one of the best examples of a record with a specific occasion to it, a unified feeling, which is kind of a marvel considering the wide range of arrangements (solo piano/harmonica, quiet acoustic, full rock band, live song, etc.).

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