Have you been in love?

Total votes: 36 (84%)
Total votes: 7 (16%)
Total votes: 43

Statistics: Been " in Love?"

As an adult, I've been *in love* with exactly four women. No longer am I dating/partnered with any of them. But I am on good terms with all four of them. And that makes me really happy. Because I definitely *love* all of them, though I am not *in love* with any of them at this juncture.

Not to diminish the beauty of the word by misapplying it... but right now I'm "in love" with a guitar, a baritone guitar, and a few different amps. But humans? Nope, not a one, not right now.

I both miss it, and am so freaking glad to not have it pulling on me right now. "In love" can wreak havoc on all other aspects of life, in my experience anyway. I'm glad to have a little downtime right now. I'm very tired, and need a rest.
"The bastards have landed"

www.myspace.com/thechromerobes - now has a couple songs from the new album

Statistics: Been " in Love?"

Completely. Lots of things in my life have really sucked, and been disastrous to my petty world view...some driven me to problems with booze and other self-destructive shit.

But no matter how lame, depressed and difficult things are, I know I can always count my wife. She is the greatest thing that ever happened in my life.

Statistics: Been " in Love?"

A possible variable here is the quality of people using this forum. I think its safe to say that we represent/are a community which deviates from the norm.

That deviation, whatever it is (individualism, interest in arts, communication, compex electrical systems, alternative languages [music], seperation from the majority, etc.) may either a) make our general kind of person more likely to be "in love" or b) may be a more attractive area for those who have already been in love. Could be cause, could be effect.

I have been in love. It was a development which lead me more towards explorations in cultural devience, literature, music and science.

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