
I hate it
Total votes: 7 (64%)
I love it
Total votes: 4 (36%)
Total votes: 11

Emotion: Hate

Gramsci wrote:
Chapter Two wrote:I've only really experienced hate after a relationship broke up, and it just showed me how very, very fucked up I was.

Really, try this:


or this:


or maybe this one...


or this:
My pretty pony! Why, Zorak, why? You could have had any woman you wanted! But you chose the woman I love almost as much as I love myself! You ruined my life, you ruined her life, and now, I'm going to ruin your life!!!

Emotion: Hate

Rimbaud III wrote:
endofanera wrote:Without hate, ninjas would have a lot less to do.


Go hate!

Are all ninjas hateful? Surely some of them have loved, which may have diminished their capacity for total hatefulness?

No, ninjas are not hateful. But those who employ them surely must be.

Just as eliminating hunger would send Subway owners into the poorhouse, so too would eliminating hate send ninjas to work at Subway.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

Emotion: Hate

I'd buy a sandwich off a Ninja, that would be awesome. Of course afterwards i'd have to kill myself due to the fact that despite trying that level of pleasure would never be achievable again. I think it would be worth it. you.
My pretty pony! Why, Zorak, why? You could have had any woman you wanted! But you chose the woman I love almost as much as I love myself! You ruined my life, you ruined her life, and now, I'm going to ruin your life!!!

Emotion: Hate

piston wrote:Love and hate are the same. You can't have one without the other.

I would hate to be in love with you.

Hey! I guess youre right!
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

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