Things You Have Found at Work

This has no relation to the estimable Found magazine. What sort of goodies have turned up at your place of employment? My top five:

A woman's wallet full of credit cards and cash -- I stopped counting when I passed $400. Tracked her down and returned all of it. By way of thanks, she offered to buy me one of the beers that I was selling.

A crisp $50 bill on the fifth tee. Kept it.

A stash of collegiate porn ("Women of the Big Ten"). Returned it after a while.

A nice hand-blown glass one-hitter. Kept it.

A severed, fly-and-maggot-infested wild turkey leg. Didn't keep it.

Things You Have Found at Work

Technically this was found on the way to work in some dirt, but I ground- scored a non-publicity photo (read:amateur camera shot) of John Goodman coming out of Tiffany's with a box. He's making a "Stick out yer tongue smiley face" and on the back, someone had written:
John Goodman "Roseanne."

I have it framed. It rules.


Things You Have Found at Work

On the pathway passing my work entrace I found...
A padded envelope containing 800 books of first class stamps... Each book contained 12 stamps...

That's 9600 stamps for those counting.

26p per stamp (i think)...

£2496.00 worth of stamps... Hope someone got whipped naked through the streets of Aberdeen for lossing that little package.

Might have kept them... Then again might not...
Orange Peel.


Things You Have Found at Work

Here are some things:

Indigestion (cafeteria)

An appreciation of the study human socio-business dynamics, both individual and group, which ultimately resolves into some degree of pejorative comedy.

Three black and white photos (two mountain photos, and one of what can only be described as "The Last Cowboy") taken, developed, and mounted to hand-made wooden frames by the founder of the company I work for (RIP). Who by all accounts was a good guy, good ethics, good company that I "enjoy" "being" "employed" "by."
Plus they only cost me a dollar.


4th row center seats for KISS, re-makeup'd, first tour (awesome).
Nosebleed seats for KISS, re-makeup'd, third tour (pointless).

My girlfriend.

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