Jeff "Skunk" Baxter?

Total votes: 2 (17%)
not crap
Total votes: 10 (83%)
Total votes: 12

Doobie Brother: Skunk Baxter

BadComrade wrote:What show was that??

I missed the band table do a partial cover of "Reelin' In the Years" (if you can believe that...!) and I missed you two doing Aja? Damn.

It was a Cheer-Accident show at Fireside Bowl about 10 years ago. Thymme wanted to sing, so I got to be in my favorite band for a night. Mostly AOR covers (all of which I liked, for the most part). Steely Dan, Brazil 66, Stevie Wonder, god I forget what else. I think we did "The Idiot Bastard Son" at that show, or maybe it was another one.

I too missed the Table cover of Reelin. Would have loved to see Vito bust out that tasty guitar intro.

Doobie Brother: Skunk Baxter

Only TDF has made the point that this cat is a military nut. He gives lectures on using music/sounds/tones in a warfare context. He has done work for the CIA - I'm not making this up, it's public record.
That's why he dresses in the paramilitary get up.

He can play the guitar though, that's for sure. A person I play(ed) with sang backup for Billy Hinsche last August at the Rickenbacker 75th, and Skunk was in the band. There was talk of me going out there to join her on 2 or 3 of her songs. It would have been odd to have been on the same stage as a touring Beach Boy and ze Skunk.

Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.

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