british or american?

Total votes: 43 (49%)
Total votes: 45 (51%)
Total votes: 88

British or American?

Comparing countries is ridiculous.

I like America but there is a scary Xian Fundamentalist thing going on that also happens to be running the goshdarn country. I like Britain but somehow it has ended up where no-one can actually afford to live here because of genuinely terrifying housing prices.

I cannot think of a solution to either of these seemingly insurmountable problems.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.

British or American?

Uncle Ovipositor wrote:The House of Lords.


As a matter of fact, the House of Lords and the likewise elitist judiciary are two of the biggest brakes on our slide towards a police state.

They are a perverse source of oversight, but currently I am very grateful for them. They've managed to curb or at least slow a number of draconian measures that our current government have brought in under the pretext of anti-terrorism.

Also, Arnie.

British or American?

sparky wrote:As a matter of fact, the House of Lords and the likewise elitist judiciary are two of the biggest brakes on our slide towards a police state.

They are a perverse source of oversight, but currently I am very grateful for them. They've managed to curb or at least slow a number of draconian measures that our current government have brought in under the pretext of anti-terrorism.

Finally did something good for the country, eh? It only took them 700 years to get around to it.

These guys and the royals I will never understand. There is much I love about the UK (not the least of which is Chris Morris), but then there's this crap. I mean, when we have inbred beflippered half-wits in office it's because we voted them in, not because they have a birth right to it.

British or American?

I'm an American, and I think England is the coolest fucking country in the world.

I mean, where else can you find cookies that are called "biscuits"?
Where else can you find girls with such delicious white skin and pink fingertips?
Where else can you find such a fascinating history of royalty?
Where else can you find weather that stays overcast for three-hundred days out of the year?
Where else can you find such a quaint, cute selection of idiosyncratic communities, all of them with funny names (proles, Cockneys, etc.) and weird behaviors?

England, you are my God.

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