Bodily Noise: Farting

Total votes: 79 (74%)
Not Funny
Total votes: 28 (26%)
Total votes: 107


it's a part of life, is it not?

i remember last year when my then-ladyfriend and i were leaving milwaukee, after my parents' wedding anniversary, and i got into the car, headed back to the twin cities, and said, "oh! i feel kinda gassy." she instantly chuckled. this was funny, not because i indulge in fart humor but because i don't. it was my way of saying, "yeah, the man in your life occasionally has to fart, honey --- deal with it." this was natural, and sorta cute somehow. but if everytime one got into the car or climbed into bed they said the same thing it would be quite the deal breaker, and i'd almost be upset with someone for tolerating it. basically, i think it's respectful to avoid fartign around your s.o. (or other people) as much as possible, but when you have to, just be a fucking adult and own up to it. chances are it'll be at least a bit funny. just don't push your luck and you'll be fine.


I just sneezed so hard that a monstrous burst let loose down below simultaneously...

A couple of people did that "prairie dog cubicle" thing.

Definitely not crap...
Marsupialized wrote:I bet I hand you a gold bar that sucks dick on command and you'll be bitching that it dosent have the right kind of moustache.

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