Rick Reuben wrote:warmowski wrote: I taught myself a few things about the Fed
Ready for quiz time yet,
Okay, quiz time it is.
Rick Rueben wrote:1-Do you think the 16th amendment is constitutional?
It's constitutional enough for your clown-ass libertarian to get his share of the federal loot the amendment collects from me up in Illinois[url=http://i.cnn.net/cnn/interactive/allpolitics/0706/popup.congress.earmarks/pdfs/tx.14.paul.pdf] when he wrote this:
Congressman Ron Paul wrote:
April 25, 2007
Mr Chairman Oliver ad Ranking Member Knollenberg:
I am requesting funding for the Texas Clipper reconfiguration project in fiscal year 2008. The entity to receive funding for this project is Texas A&M University/Galveston Campus, PO Box 1675; Galveston, Texas 77553-1675
The funding would be used by to convert the ship for educational purposes.
I certify that neither I, nor my spouse have any financial interest in this project.
Sincerely, Ron Paul
Rick Rueben wrote:
2- Do you think the 16th amendment was properly ratified?
It was ratified enough for your Reaganite suckass libertarian to bring home the dollars to the Texas 14th district when he wrote:
Congressman Ron Paul wrote:March 8, 2007
Mr. Chairman, and Ranking member Hobson,
I am requesting funding for GIWW, Mouth Of The San Bernard River CG/OM in fiscal year 2008. The entity to receive funding for this project is the Galveston District UASACE, located at PO Box 1229, Galveston, TX 77553-1229.
The funding would be used for the opening of the San Bernard River.
I certify that neither I nor my spouse have any financial interest in this project.
Ron Paul
Rick Rueben wrote:3- Do you think wages fit the definition of income, and are thus taxable?
I, like your trash-big-government-while-on-the-campaign-trail hypocritical fuck candidate sure do think so. He certainly thinks so - he got some of my Illinois wages for Texas nursing when he wrote
Congressman Ron Paul wrote:
Mr. Chairman Obey and Ranking Member Walsh,
I am requesting funding for Regional Innovations in Nursing Education in Fiscal Year 2008. The entity to received funding for this project is the University Of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston 301 University Boulevard, Galveston, TX 77555-0144.
The funding would be used for converting to a web-based and data-driven automated system for nursing students on the Texas Gulf Coast.
I certify that neither I nor my spouse have any financial interest in this project.
Ron Paul
Rick Rueben wrote:4- Do you think the IRS is a government agency?
Well, they're not a car wash. And your right-wing libertarian firebrand candidate somehow could put aside his fake-populist froth long enough to look for their allegedly filthy, morally repugnant interstate-collected funds when he wrote,
Congressman Ron Paul wrote:
March 8, 2007
Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member Hobson:
I am requesting funding for Mitchell's Cut Channel in fiscal year 2008. The entity to receive funding for this project is the Galveston District USACE, located at PO Box 1229, Galveston, TX 77553-1229.
The funding would be used for general investigations.
I certify that neither I nor my spouse have any financial interest in this project.
Ron Paul
Rick Rueben wrote:5- Do you think the Federal Reserve is a government agency?
No. They are a network of many private banks that comprise a privately-held central bank. Banks such as the kind that take deposits from universities and government agencies that have their Congressman secure them IRS-"siezed" federal funding such as the above, plus the dozens and dozens of other examples this fiscal year and the hundreds if not thousands in the 18-year congressional career of your allegedly states-rights no-government candidate. Who is publicly full of shit.
Rick Rueben wrote:6- Do you *not* think that both the Fed and the IRS are private corporations, and do you *not* think that the IRS is the Fed's collection agency?
Ron Paul and I agree on this: the legal status of the IRS and the Fed are no barrier to his Galveston projects being funded by my Chicago withholdings. Like this:
Congressman Ron Paul wrote:
March 12, 2007
Mr. Chairman and Ranking Member Rogers:
I am requesting funding for the Galveston Rail Causeway Bridge, Galveston Couty, Texas in fiscal year 2008. The entity to receive funding for this project is the US Coast Guard, 2100 2nd St SW, Washington, DC 20593.
The funding would be used for funding a railway bridge replacement.
I certify that neither I nor my spouse have any financial interest in this project.
Ron Paul
Hey, is the government off our backs yet?
Rick Rueben wrote:
7- What do you think happened in 1933?
1933 marked the 56th year preceding Ron Paul's first appropriation of dirty, morally repugnant federal tax money in 1989. That appropriation might well have looked like this one in 2007:
Congressman Ron Paul wrote:
March 9, 2007
Chairman Mollohan and Ranking Member Freylingheusen:
I am requesting funding for Wild American Shrimp Marketing. The entity to receive funding for this project is the American Shrimp Industry through NOAA, which is located at 14th Street & Constitution Avenue NW, Room 6217, Washington DC, 20230.
The funding would be used for the marketing of Wild American Shrimp.
I certify that neither I nor my spouse have any financial interest in this project.
Ron Paul
And it's probably true that he doesn't have any personal interest in that shrimp marketing funding. But you'd have to be a natural born idiot, or libertarian, to think he had no reelection interest in it.
Libertarians are idiots who fall for jerkoff fantasies of radical self-reliance. The less they know about how government actually works, the more likely they are to jump up and down and peep about how we don't need it.
Just don't jump on any bridges, for fucks sake.