Short-sleeved shirt with a tie?

Total votes: 10 (42%)
Total votes: 14 (58%)
Total votes: 24

Attire: Short-sleeved shirt with a tie

kenoki wrote:
Tommy Alpha wrote:


a few months ago i was at TJ Maxx and i saw a couple of mormon guys, who looked a bit like those in the picture, buying their ties. i don't know why it struck me as funny, or as a rare moment i should relish, but watching mormons buy their ties, while wearing their ties, was a moment i'll always remember.

There's a Mormon church/dormitory in my neighborhood and they always freaked me out a bit. They're super-chipper and eager to please all the time. They'll run half a block out of their way to say hello. They shoveled the sidewalks in front of all the local businesses during a major snowstorm. These are all very pleasant things.

"So what freaks you out, crankypants?"

I'll tell you.

The teens all wear their backpacks cinched up to the top of their backs.

They walk calmly and deliberately out of class each day with their backpacks all the way up. No one rips off their tie and chokes their best friend with it. No one scrapes their backpack off the ground as they drag it behind them. There is no horseplay.

I have always found it very un-teen. That is all.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


Attire: Short-sleeved shirt with a tie

The MayorofRockNRoll wrote:Kerble- thanx bro diddley

Trifecta- Not out to attack, but at this stage can we think of nothing more creative than fag?

Thats why. I actually use to hate when people would call people fag's. I don't even care what anyone calls anyone. It is dumb, it is 7th grade, thats why I went with it. In big font as well.

Attire: Short-sleeved shirt with a tie

what's the difference? if i wanna wear a tie in the summer i'm supposed to die? is there something inherent with ties that is naturally opposed to the human arm that i just don't get? i like ties, i generally don't like long sleeves (unless it's winter and cold and all...) NOT CRAP
placeholder wrote:I'm in The Family Ghost. I don't like mentioning my band by name too much because I feel cheesy doing it.

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