How would you would break the ice with a blind woman?

Charlie D wrote:So what I'm getting from everybody is that I'm over thinking this. Awesome.


Think about how many people have probably approached her as "blind, therefore different" in her lifetime. Think about how tired she must be of this treatment. Think about how tiresome this treatment would be, in particular, from people trying to chat her up.

I went on a few dates with a girl with a bum leg, years ago. This wasn't even a "serious disability" as much as she just had to carry crutches with her everywhere she went. It made getting up stairs somewhat slower in situations where elevators weren't available, but otherwise it was really no biggie. But she told me one of the things she liked most about me was that I didn't treat her like she was 'handicapped.' The thought really never occurred to me to do so, I guess, I just figured she'd had the crutches all her life and probably had figured her way around them by then.

Just talk to her, don't make a deal of her being blind at all. It's likely that not doing so alone will make you stand out enough that she'll be willing to go out with you.

oh, and the girl and I eventually broke up -- not because of anything crutch-related, but because she was a terrible kisser. true story.
Rick Reuben wrote:You are dumber than week-old donuts.

How would you would break the ice with a blind woman?

Ok, I was thinking about it earlier tonight while we were jamming and it hit me.

This is so perfect.

Walk up to her and say 'Excuse me, Miss but I felt like I should come over and tell you....that shirt you are wearing has an extremely offensive racist slogan on it. I don;t know if someone's played a horrible joke on you or what but it's really terrible. On top of that, there are some people who happen to be the exact race your shirt is loudly and crudely insulting across the street who've spotted you in it and look like they are ready to pounce on you....oh my, now one has a pipe in his hands....yeah, he's pointing you out to the others.....uh oh, now a carload has pulled up and he's pointing you out to them as well....if I were you, I'd come with me at once. We can hide out at my place, I have a different shirt you can put on'

Then you just talk your game at her on the walk over, see if you can make it happen. You can play it up, maybe pretend to be fighting with them at some point.
Stay back, all of you...stay back!
She'll think you saved her life, that's gotta get you at least two steps in the door already right there.

Perfect, right?
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

How would you would break the ice with a blind woman?

steve wrote:Plus you get to take off her shirt.

Get that shirt off right now! Hurry!
My...uh, roommate is also of that race and...uh, if he comes home and sees you in it he's liable to...uh, freak out...
Yeah, just take it right off, go ahead. I'm not even looking, I swear.

Oh my god. I didn't even notice this at are not gonna believe this but your pants have swastikas on the back pockets! Just big ass swastikas all over the ass there. Crazy.
I hate to say it, but you better get those off as well. Never know who's gonna come in here.

So, you wanna cocktail or something?
Last edited by Marsupialized_Archive on Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

How would you would break the ice with a blind woman?

Marsupialized wrote:Ok, I was thinking about it earlier tonight while we were jamming and it hit me.

This is so perfect.

Walk up to her and say 'Excuse me, Miss but I felt like I should come over and tell you....that shirt you are wearing has an extremely offensive racist slogan on it. I don;t know if someone's played a horrible joke on you or what but it's really terrible. On top of that, there are some people who happen to be the exact race your shirt is loudly and crudely insulting across the street who've spotted you in it and look like they are ready to pounce on you....oh my, now one has a pipe in his hands....yeah, he's pointing you out to the others.....uh oh, now a carload has pulled up and he's pointing you out to them as well....if I were you, I'd come with me at once. We can hide out at my place, I have a different shirt you can put on'

Then you just talk your game at her on the walk over, see if you can make it happen. You can play it up, maybe pretend to be fighting with them at some point.
Stay back, all of you...stay back!
She'll think you saved her life, that's gotta get you at least two steps in the door already right there.

Perfect, right?


offal wrote:Holy shit.

Kerble was wrong.

This certainly changes things.

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