Re: A Few New Projects

#23 is done, at least as far as my involvement. Because the neck was so shallow (10mm + fretboard) it to a bad forward bow under tension. To correct this I spent the last week milling 2 19" long channels in the back. They went all the way thru to the backside of the fretboard. I then laminated a 1/8" thick piece of steel and a 2mm piece of carbon fiber and installed that in each channel. Had to re-sand and polish.

I learned a lot, and while the headless thing isn't really for me, I do think I managed a decent looking 'headstock' design.
I had to focus on this- so only got a little bit of work done on the template for the 34" bass.

I also have a 1979 Honda CX500 motorcycle coming into my life. I'll share progress as I transform it into something cool, although it will likely not become my daily ride. My commute is 110 miles round trip, so I am addicted to modern comforts.

Re: A Few New Projects

#24 is off to a great start. On Weds got the blank rough cut. Thurs final outline, Friday chamfered and started the machining, Saturday (day off from the guitar shop) lots more machining, Sunday-still more machining. Blank started life at 7 lbs, is currently 4 lbs 10 oz. This one will get reinforcement. Lots of details coming on how that is going to look.
Hope to get the body started and get through all the mill work next week.

I also spent a couple hours picking up the new motorcycle this afternoon. Will get some pics of that as a 'before' but likely it'll be an 'all winter' sort of project.

Re: A Few New Projects

#24 is moving along pretty well. Body is in the process of getting routed. I finally used my dust collection attachment for the router-I expected it to be useless. It actually worked great.
Neck is shaped
Because of the length and the amount of material I removed, there was some flex. To address this I recreated the laminated the carbon fiber/steel support rod. I hope it'll be enough.
Fretboard material will be here this week, and the goal is to get that cut/radiused/markers/intstalled. Also need to complete the body and keep sanding/refining the neck.

Re: A Few New Projects

Moved a bit slower this week, as the fretboard blank was several days late in arriving. Body is shaped, sanded and starting the finishing process.
Got the neck sanded up to #220, which is a good stopping point before attaching the fretboard. After the board is on, you essentially have to start over on sanding, but at #220 you can feel the final shape pretty well, and correct any problems before the fretboard complicates the issue.
I intended to have the board slotted, radiused and cut to rough shape by Sunday, but here we are.

Re: A Few New Projects

One of those weeks where progress was made, but it doesn't look like much. Got many more coats of oil on the body. Still another couple days to go. The Fretboard needed to be cut to rough shape, dots added, radiused and epoxied to the neck.
Also, since there is only so much you can do while you wait for oil to dry, I got to work on the 'new' bike. Here is where we started.
and here is where we are today. Got the huge fairing and rear luggage rack removed, and installed (temporarily) some compact LED turn signals and brackets for the headlight. Waiting on a correct turn signal relay and the headlight bucket. Next step will be swapping in lower, straighter handlebar.

Re: A Few New Projects

Closing in on the finish for #24. By the end of the day I had a nut rough-slotted and strings on it. A lot of things are right, but a few things still need sorting.
Positives: neck stayed straight under tension, no neck dive, and total weight is under 9 pounds.
Needs addressing: This bridge is taller, so will need to recess it a couple mm. Pickup is too hot (13k)- so will swap in a cooler 9k alternative. Frets will need a second round of leveling under tension. Should be done next week.

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